Academic Integrity Commission | ХАІ
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HomeEducationAcademic IntegrityAcademic Integrity Commission

Academic Integrity Commission
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The commission is an independent collegial working body, which was created to ensure compliance by academic, scientific and pedagogical workers of the University, students of higher education, postgraduates and doctoral students of academic integrity and other ethical requirements as fundamental standards of university life, as well as to perform control functions regarding compliance with academic integrity at the University.

In its work, the commission is guided by the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine "On education", "On higher education", "On scientific and scientific-technical activity", "On copyright and related rights", "On publishing", "On prevention of corruption" ", the Civil Code of Ukraine, the Procedure for canceling the decision on awarding a degree of higher education and assigning the corresponding qualification, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 897 dated 26.08.2021, the Statute of the University, the Code of Ethical Conduct, the Code of Academic Integrity, the Regulations on Academic Integrity of the University, guiding principles IAU-MCO (International Association of Universities and the Magna Charta Observatory) regarding the institutional ethical code of higher education, the European Charter for Researchers, the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in Science and the Humanities, the Bucharest Declaration on Ethical Values and Principles of Higher Education in Europe and the Regulations about the commission on academic integrity.

The commission also uses in its activities as authoritative sources:

- recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education, other state authorities on the prevention of academic plagiarism and its detection in scientific works, on the development and implementation of a university system for ensuring academic integrity, etc.;

- methodological recommendations for institutions of higher education on supporting the principles of academic integrity, prepared within the framework of the Project for the Promotion of Academic Integrity — SAIUP, and other recommendations of the American Councils on International Education;

- Code of ethics of a scientist of Ukraine, approved by Resolution of the general meeting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine dated April 15, 2009 No. 2;

- management principles of IAU-MCO (International Association of Universities and the Magna Charta Observatory) regarding the institutional ethical code of higher education;

- the Bucharest Declaration of Ethical Values and Principles of Higher Education in Europe;

- judicial practice of Ukrainian, foreign and international courts.

The activities of the Commission and its members must comply with the principles of the rule of law, in particular legality, certainty and proportionality. Members of the Commission must act conscientiously, impartially and impartially when considering applications for violations of academic integrity, professional ethics, other ethical requirements and making decisions.

The main tasks of the Commission are:

- organizational and methodological support for the implementation of the standards of academic integrity adopted at the University;

- performance of the control function regarding the observance of academic integrity by all participants of the educational process, scientific activity at the University;

- exercise of powers to identify, establish and consider facts of violation of academic integrity and make decisions on the type of responsibility that should be applied to persons who violate norms of academic integrity;

- consideration of complaints in the appellate procedure regarding cases of violations of the Code of Academic Integrity of the University, committed by persons studying or working at the University, providing proposals for making appropriate decisions and imposing appropriate sanctions on these persons.

In carrying out its tasks, the Commission acts in coordination with the University's academic integrity promotion group.

The commission, together with other officials of the University (teachers, supervisors of qualification (diploma) theses, heads of departments, deans, vice-chancellors of the University, heads of specialized academic councils, organizing committees of conferences, editors of scientific journals), who are given separate powers to apply the provisions of the Code of Academic Integrity, is authorized by the body regarding bringing to academic responsibility and consideration of complaints in the appeal procedure against the decisions of the specified officials.

The commission has the right to:

- to receive and consider statements, petitions regarding violations of the principles of academic integrity, analyze them and prepare relevant conclusions, as well as accept and consider appeals against the decisions of officials specified in clauses 2.3 - 2.6 of this Regulation, and make decisions about them, etc.;

- involve University employees, experts from various fields in their work, as well as use technical and software tools to reliably establish the facts of violations of academic integrity norms according to the submitted application;

- submission of proposals to the rector, the academic council of the University for making appropriate decisions and imposing appropriate penalties on persons who have violated the norms of academic integrity.

Предметні олімпіади у форматі НМТ