Faculty of Software Engineering and Business | ХАІ
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HomeEducationFaculties and departmentsFaculty of Software Engineering and Business

Faculty of Software Engineering and Business
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Today, the Faculty of Software Engineering and Business is a powerful educational and scientific-practical unit of Khai Khai, where more than 100 teachers work and more than 1,000 Ukrainian and foreign students are trained in economics and management specialties: "Economics", "International Economic Relations", "Management ", "Marketing", "Finance, Banking and Insurance", "Accounting and Taxation", "Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activity", "Public Management and Administration", as well as in the field of information technology - "Software Engineering". 

The structure of the faculty includes five graduate departments: "Public administration and entrepreneurship", "Management", "Software engineering", "Finance, accounting and taxation", "Economics, marketing and international economic relations".

The Faculty of Software Engineering and Business of the National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute" offers modern educational programs for students who seek to develop their careers in the field of information technology and business. The faculty has an excellent reputation, highly qualified teaching staff, advanced research laboratories and a modern material and technical base.

The faculty was founded on March 21, 1991, and currently the teaching staff includes 96 employees who conduct study pairs in 158 groups of students in 25 classrooms.

From the first days of its existence, the faculty is constantly developing. In accordance with the requirements of the times, the quality of education is continuously improved, modern technologies are used in the organization of the educational process, the material and technical base is modernized, and the practical application of knowledge and skills of the teaching staff is expanded. To train scientific and pedagogical personnel at the faculty, a specialized academic council has been created for the defense of dissertations for obtaining the scientific degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Faculty students receive high-quality theoretical training and practical experience thanks to cooperation with leading IT companies and business structures. This helps future professionals to acquire the relevant skills and competencies needed for a successful career in the field of information technology and business. In order to improve professional orientation for students, round tables are held with the participation of business representatives, as well as job fairs. Students of the faculty participate in All-Ukrainian Olympiads and competitions and take prize places.

The Faculty of Software Engineering and Business actively conducts scientific and research activities aimed at the development of the latest information technologies, software and business solutions. Students have the opportunity to take an active part in scientific projects, developments and innovative programs, which allows them to gain real experience and improve their professional abilities.

The Faculty of Software Engineering and Business supports active international relations, promoting academic exchange and cooperation with foreign higher education institutions and research centers. Students have the opportunity to study foreign languages, undergo internships and practice abroad, participate in international conferences and seminars.

In addition to academic training, the Faculty of Software Engineering and Business offers students a variety of cultural and sports activities, promotes the development of team skills, leadership and social activity.

By choosing the Faculty of Software Engineering and Business, you get an excellent education and the opportunity to build a successful career in the field of IT and business. Thanks to the modern educational process, practical experience and international connections, you will be able to become a competitive specialist in the labor market and achieve success in your professional activity.

Thanks to the student exchange program between higher education institutions of the world, our students have the opportunity to study for several semesters at well-known universities in Europe and America. The high professionalism of the faculty's teachers, the availability of well-equipped classrooms and classrooms, practice at leading enterprises, experience of participation in competitions and Olympiads, study abroad - all this enables our graduates to get a job in well-known companies of Ukraine and the world.

Today, its graduates are increasingly active creators of the faculty's history. Young and talented masters, assistants, graduate students and doctoral students under the guidance of experienced teachers of the faculty help to improve and develop the educational process for the training of highly qualified specialists in various fields of economic activity.

Establishing feedback with graduates and studying their recommendations, constant improvement of the content and methods of teaching based on scientific research, development of measures for integration into the European educational space - these are the main areas of activity of the faculty staff.

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