Contacts | ХАІ
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Contacts of the Department of Economics, Marketing
and International Economic Relations
of the Faculty of Software Engineering and Business
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Our address:

61070, Kharkiv, str. Chkalova, 17, KHAI, department 605.


Admissions Committee of KhAI +38 (057) 788-43-13;

selection committee of faculty #6 +38 (057) 788-48-60;

dean's office of faculty #6 +38 (057) 788-46-00.

Department of Economics, Marketing and International Economic Relations:

impulse case, aud. 205, phone: +38 (057) 788-46-05.,

E-mail: [email protected],

facebook page:


Tram No. 12, 22 to the "Lisopark" stop;

by trolleybuses #2, 12; by bus No. 17, 271, 263, 240, 247, 202, 65, 302, 301, 55 to the "Avia Institute" stop.

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