History of the Department | ХАІ
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History of the Department of Software Engineering
of the Faculty of Software Engineering and Business
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

February 14, 1946

The world public was presented with the first working example of an electronic computer - ENIAC I (Electrical Numerical Integrator And Calculator), which was successfully used to solve a wide range of tasks. Since that time, February 14 is considered the unofficial day of the computer person.

1963 year

One of the first in the USSR electronic computing machines "Ural-1" with a speed of 100 operations per second was handed over to KhAI. The department of computer technology and impulse devices was created at KhAI. Today it is Department 503 "Computer Systems and Networks".

It is worth noting that the person who participated in the installation and operation of this unit, Moklyak, is still working fruitfully at the department of software engineering. "Ural-1" is a small (according to the classification existing at the time of creation) tube software-controlled computing machine from the "Ural" computer family, intended for solving engineering problems in research institutes, design bureaus, in higher educational institutions and training grounds.

A total of 183 cars were produced, one of them was in KhAI.

1968 year

This year became fundamental thanks to two events. The first of them was the organization of the Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics at the KhAI, which was headed by Borysenko.

The department was created as a result of the personal initiative of the outstanding Ukrainian mathematician and mechanic, later Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Professor Volodymyr Rvachyov. The rector of Khai Maslennikov and associate professors Borysenko, Kozhukhov, and Sirozha took a direct part in the organization and formation of the department.

The second event is the conference of the NATO Committee on Science and Technology, which took place in October 1968 in Garmisch (Germany), and where, in fact, for the first time, the term "software engineering" was presented for general consideration and discussion ". The goal of the conference was to find new solutions to overcome the "software crisis".

1988 year

The next impulse in the history of our department was the training of engineers in the system of higher education of the USSR, which began in 1988, in the specialty 22.04 - "Software support of computing equipment and automated systems."

In this regard, on February 12, 1988, at the Kharkiv Aviation Institute, faculty No. 3 of SULA, on the basis of the Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics, the graduating department No. 307 - Informatics and software of automated systems was created. Chair No. 307 was headed by its immediate organizer, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Ihor Sirodja.

It was at department #307 that professional teaching, methodical, and scientific and technical potential began to form, which defines the face of the current department #603, first within the educational direction "Computer Sciences", and after 2006 - within the framework of the "Software Engineering" direction.

1991 year

the Faculty of Engineering and Management No. 6 was formed at KhAI, which was later renamed the Faculty of "Economics and Management". According to the decision of the rectorate, department No. 307 under the same name, but with a new number 603, became part of the new faculty No. 6.

At that time, Department 603 had a staff of 14 teachers (including 2 professors, 8 associate professors) and a well-developed educational base equipped with advanced computer technology (2 computer classrooms, 20 computers "Iskra-1030", "Istra"). As part of the research work, two state budget and three farm contract topics related to the software of artificial intelligence systems were developed.

After the collapse of the USSR, by resolution No. 507 of the Cabinet of Ministers of independent Ukraine, the "List of directions and specialties" was approved, according to which the former specialty 22.04 was transformed into specialty 7.080403 - "Software support of automated systems" (PSAS), which led to the renewal of the department's passport 603. In 1999 Department No. 603 successfully passed state accreditation and licensing for the highest fourth level of educational direction 0804 - "Computer Science".

2006 year

Ihor Turkin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, became the head of department No. 603 in 2006.

Over the next 10 years of work, the department trained about 800 bachelors, 460 specialists, and 150 masters. Post-graduate students and teachers of the department during this time defended: 1 dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, 19 dissertations for obtaining the scientific degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, 1 dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

December 20, 2007

After the appearance in 2006 of a new list of training areas and specialties, the department received a new name "Software Engineering" by University Order dated December 20, 2007.

Thus, Department 603 contributed and continues to contribute to the strengthening of the general professional potential of the native National Aerospace University "KhAI". The training of young highly qualified specialists is being improved and developed. Currently, the graduating department No. 603 - software engineering provides the educational process for full-time and part-time forms of education.

Bachelor's training lasts 4 years, master's - 1 year and 4 months, doctor of philosophy - 4 years. The general program of educational and methodological activities of the department to ensure the training of graduates is based on the principle of continuity of training, starting with pre-university, then two-level university (bachelor, master) and postgraduate (postgraduate, doctoral).

The department conducts educational and methodological, educational and research work in accordance with three qualification levels: bachelor's, master's, doctor of philosophy in the specialty "Software Engineering".

Currently, the teaching staff of the department includes 3 professors and 14 associate professors. We are proud that our veterans, who have been working since the foundation of the department, are still working at the department. This is Ph.D., associate professor Moklyak, Ph.D., associate professor Holub, Ph.D., associate professor Pudovkina.

To carry out the educational process, department No. 603 has at its disposal one lecture hall, a teaching room, 4 computer classrooms and a postgraduate classroom. Students have at their disposal more than 60 modern computers connected to a network administered by the department.

The department has collected a library of special literature, which is constantly updated with new editions of books on computer topics, including those by our own authors.

The high quality of professional training at the department is evidenced by the 100% demand for our graduates on the labor market. They are hired by industrial enterprises, banks, supermarkets, publishing houses, offices, business structures and other organizations. More than 25% of graduates successfully work abroad: in Russia, Germany, Great Britain, Belgium, France, Israel, USA, Canada, Australia, Colombia and other countries.

It is worth noting that this is facilitated by the production and pre-diploma practice of our students in the leading companies of the IT industry: "Nix Solutions", "Telesens", "Global Logic", "Sigma", "Plarium" and others.

Today, its graduates are increasingly active creators of the history of Department 603. Young, talented masters, assistants, graduate students and doctoral students under the guidance of experienced veterans of the department help to develop and improve the educational process for the training of information industry specialists needed in Ukraine in various fields of human economic activity, including the aerospace industry.

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