Ukrainian as a foreign language | ХАІ
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Ukrainian as a foreign language 

The study discipline "Ukrainian as a foreign language" is the basic structure of the training of foreign students (undergraduates). The main communicative goal of education is the practical mastery of the Ukrainian language at the level that will ensure students' speech activity in the areas of communication that are relevant for them, readiness for active participation in the educational process at all stages of education in a higher educational institution.


Maryna Shlenova




Associate Professor of the Department of Document Studies and Ukrainian Language, Candidate of Philological Sciences. Experience of scientific and pedagogical work in institutions of higher education of the IV level of accreditation – 5 years. The direction of scientific work – linguistic stylistics.

The author of 38 works, including 15 scientific articles (12 published in specialized publications, 3 in scientometric publications), 7 educational and methodological works, a dissertation and the author's abstract of the dissertation, 14 abstracts of reports at international and all-Ukrainian scientific conferences. 





1 course, 2 courses, 3 courses, 4 courses

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