Scientific journal "Propylaeum of Law and Security" | ХАІ
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HomeEducationEducational programs and componentsLawScientific journal "Propylaeum of Law and Security"

Scientific journal "Propylaeum of Law and Security"

Scientific journal «Пропілеї права та безпеки», «Propylaeum of Law and Security», «Пропилеи права и безопасности» unites the efforts of scientists from various fields of scientific knowledge, who carry out scientific development of fundamental, applied humanitarian and legal problems with the aim of forming the theoretical foundations of state and legal policy in aviation, aerospace and other sectors of the economy.

The journal will cover a wide range of topical issues:

- social philosophy, anthropology, philosophy of culture and law;

- scientific support of the law-making process in Ukraine;

- theoretical and practical problems of law and various aspects of law enforcement;

- legal and organizational principles of law enforcement activities;

- crime prevention, ensuring public safety and law and order;

- coverage of modern problems in the field of law and business safety;

- practices of securing aviation infrastructure and other subjects of financial and economic activity;

- legal education and personnel training for aviation infrastructure and security services of critical infrastructure business entities and other entities of financial and economic activity.

Authors of materials can be scientists of Ukraine and other countries of the world.

The program goal and thematic focus of the Journal is the development of science and education in the field of humanitarian and legal problems in the fields of law and related sciences, the formation of the theoretical foundations of state and legal policy in the aviation, aerospace and other sectors of the economy, with the aim of ensuring the interests, rights and freedoms important to society person and citizen, exchange of experience in the field of legal science and education and law enforcement activities, discussion of draft laws, dissemination of information about events of a scientific nature (feedback and reviews, staff of scientists, review of scientific achievements, legal publications, scientific events - conferences, seminars, competitions).

Scientific articles will be published in Ukrainian, English, German, French, Italian, Chinese, Russian - several languages in one issue.

The magazine is published twice a year with a volume of up to 40 printed sheets.

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