142 Power Machinery | ХАІ
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HomeEducation142 Power Machinery

142 Power Machinery

The objects of activity of graduates of this specialty are the processes of heat and mass transfer, hydrodynamics and aerodynamics, and the thermal stress state that occur in power plants (turbines, boilers, steam generators, nuclear reactors, pumping equipment, compressors, refrigerating machines and plants, air conditioning and life support systems, thermal pumps, heat engines, heat exchange and technological devices) in operating conditions.

The purpose of training is to train specialists capable of researching processes, designing and operating modern energy installations and systems.

Training is carried out at the Department of Aviation Engine Theory (Department 201)

Training is conducted according to the following educational programs:

Educational programEducational degreeForm of studyTerm of study
Gas Turbine Units and Compressor SystemsBachelor's degree based on complete general secondary educationFull-time3 years and 10 months
Gas Turbine Units and Compressor SystemsMaster's degree, educational and professional programFull-time1 year and 4 months
Power MachineryPhDFull-time and part-time4 years