Information Systems and Technologies in Medicine | ХАІ
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International scientific and practical conference
«Information systems and technologies in medicine»

!!!Dear colleagues!!!

We invite you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference


The conference will be held from November 25 to 26, 2021 at the Kharkiv Aviation Institute National Aerospace University, Kharkiv.

The working languages of the conference are Ukrainian, English, Russian. 

Based on the results of the conference, it is planned to publish a printed collection of conference materials "Information systems and technologies in medicine" (ISM-2021).  

To the authors of the best reports, the program committee of the conference may recommend finalization of reports for publication in the form of articles in the journals "Clinical Informatics and Telemedicine" (specialist in medical and pharmaceutical sciences) or "Radioelectronic and computer systems" (specialist in technical sciences).

You can get more detailed information on theconference website

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