Scientific activity of the Department | ХАІ
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Scientific activity of the Department of Physics
of the Faculty of Radioelectronics, Computer
Systems and Infocommunications
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The main areas of research of the department:

- application of a bipolar plasma discharge above the liquid surface to purify water from chemical pollution;

- research and modeling of non-equilibrium processes in self-organized and heterogeneous systems of various nature;

- development of methods of synthesis of multicomponent coatings based on high-entropy alloys by sputtering individual components;

- structural materials science of semiconductor and dielectric materials;

- search for new highly efficient cathode materials and study of their thermal emission properties.

Water purification by plasma discharge

The department conducts scientific and research work on the use of bipolar plasma discharge over the surface of a liquid to purify water from bacterial and chemical pollution both in air and in an oxygen atmosphere.

Effect of plasma treatment on erythrocytes

It has been proven that plasma treatment leads to the destruction of cell walls.

Parametric modeling

A convergent approach to 3D modeling of real processes of various nature in the universal space of dynamic events has been developed. Simulations of relaxation processes distorted by locally concentrated disturbances, as well as simulations of natural processes of a fractal nature, have been carried out. Simulation of cycles of solar activity was performed.

Structural materials science

Surface morphology of multicomponent films based on tungsten carbide. Macroscopic inhomogeneities of the ZnSe ingot (Ф = 40 mm) in polar