Bright news of strong support of Ukrainian scientific research groups from the European Community.
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ГоловнаНовиниBright news of strong support of Ukrainian scientific research groups from the European Community.


Bright news of strong support of Ukrainian scientific research groups from the European Community.

In particular, thanks to the victory in the open competition EURIZON Fellowship Program: "Remote research grants for Ukrainian researchers", aimed at providing financial support to vulnerable researchers in Ukraine, scientists of our university O. Shypul, V. Myntiuk, V. Garin, O. Tryfonov, D. Tkachenko, received funding for their research project "Increasing the Energy Efficiency and Safety of Plastics Thermal Processing Using Numerical Simulation".

The EURIZON project is funded through the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under grant agreement No. 871072.

National Aerospace University sincerely congratulates the viners and extends heartfelt gratitude to the EURIZON Fellowship organizing teams at University of Milano-Bicocca, at the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU), and at DESY, and the European Commission, for their such important help and support of Ukrainian scientists in difficult times.

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