Design, Operational Diagnostics, Maintenance and Repair of Aircraft Engines and Power Plants | ХАІ
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HomeEducationEducational programs and componentsDesign, Operational Diagnostics, Maintenance and Repair of Aircraft Engines and Power Plants

Profile of the educational and professional program
"Design, Operational Diagnostics, Maintenance
and Repair of Aircraft Engines and Power Plants"

General information about the educational program

Full name of the higher educational institution and structural subdivision: National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", Department of Aircraft Engine Design 

Degree of higher education: Bachelor

Field of Study: 13 Mechanical Engineering

Program Subject Area: 134 Aerospace Engineering

The official name of the educational and scientific program: Design, Operational Diagnostics, Maintenance and Repair of Aircraft Engines and Power Plants

Type of diploma and scope of the educational-scientific program: Bachelor's degree, single degree, 240 ECT credits, term of study 3 years 10 months

Availability of accreditation: Certificate of accreditation: Series ID-II № 21001693, issued on 20.02.2018 by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19.12.2016 № 1565 Valid 01.07. 2025.

Cycle / level: NQF of Ukraine - level 6, FQ-EHEA - first cycle, EQF-LLL-level 6.

Prerequisites: Complete secondary education

Language (s) of instruction: The language of instruction is English

Term of the educational-scientific program: Before the introduction of a new educational program 

The purpose of the educational and professional program:

Training of highly qualified specialists (bachelors) in field of Mechanical Engineering, To provide theoretical knowledge and practical skills sufficient for successful performance of professional duties under the educational-professional program "Design, Operational diagnostics, maintenance and repair of aircraft engines and EU" in the specialty 134 "Aerospace Engineering".

Formation of the personality of a specialist able to use professional knowledge and practical skills to solve complex specialized problems and practical problems of technical maintenance and repair of aircraft engines used in aviation and rocket and space technology.

Suitability of graduates for employment

Suitability for employment:Graduates can work: at the enterprises-developers, the enterprises-manufacturers of aviation equipment, the enterprises on service of aviation equipment; in design and engineering, research, production and special industry institutions for the development, manufacture of aircraft and its components.

Academic rights of graduates: It is possible to continue education at the second (master's) level of higher education

Teaching and evaluation

Teaching and learning:Student-centered learning, self-study, problem-oriented learning aimed at the development of critical and creative thinking, learning through laboratory practice, dual, distance education and more. Lectures, multimedia lectures, laboratory work, seminars, practical classes in small groups, independent work based on textbooks and abstracts, consultations with teachers, preparation of bachelor's thesis

Evaluation:Written exams, practice reports, essays, presentations, current (modular) control, project (bachelor's) work and its defense

Characteristics of the educational and scientific program  Graduate competencies Program learning outcomes

Resource support for the implementation of program Academic mobility List of components

Educational and professional programs Summary, structure and components