Post-graduate students | ХАІ
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Post-graduate students
of the Department of Aircraft and Helicopter Design
of the Faculty of Aircraft Engineering
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Вічистий Андрій Андрійович

Andriy Vychystiy

Post-graduate student of the 2021 recruitment year

Supervisor - Ph.D., Associate Professor A.M. Humennyi

Phone: +38 (057) 788-41-03


Гоптар Тарас Олексійович

Taras Hoptar

Post-graduate student of the 2020 recruitment year

Supervisor - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor O.G. Grebenikov

Phone: +38 (057) 788-41-03


Джафаров Руфат

Rufat Jafarov

Post-graduate student of the 2021 recruitment year

Supervisor - Ph.D., Associate Professor A.M. Humennyi

Phone: +38 (057) 788-41-03


Жиряков Дмитро Юрійович

Dmytro Zhiryakov

Post-graduate student of the 2019 recruitment year

Supervisor - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor O.G. Grebenikov

Phone: +38 (057) 788-41-03


Калоша Олексій Сергійович

Oleksiy Kalosha

Post-graduate student of the 2020 recruitment year

Supervisor - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor O.G. Grebenikov

Phone: +38 (057) 788-41-03


Кірносов Данило Сергійович

Danylo Kirnosov

Post-graduate student of the 2022 recruitment year

Supervisor - Ph.D., Associate Professor A.M. Humennyi

Phone: +38 (057) 788-41-03


Скляниченко Олександр Валерійович

Oleksandr Sklyanychenko

Post-graduate student of the 2020 recruitment year

Supervisor - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor O.G. Grebenikov

Phone: +38 (057) 788-41-03


Столярчук Ольга Михайлівна

Olga Stoliarchuk

Post-graduate student of the 2022 recruitment year

Supervisor - Ph.D., associate professor S.V. Trubaev

Phone: +38 (057) 788-41-03

E-mail[email protected]

Сунь Іфан

Sun Yifang

Post-graduate student of the 2019 recruitment year

Supervisor - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor O.G. Grebenikov

Phone: +38 (057) 788-41-03


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