Department of Aircraft Engine Design | ХАІ
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Department of Aircraft Engine Design
of the Faculty of Aviation Engines
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The Department of Aircraft Engine Design is an educational unit of the Faculty of Engine Engineering, focused on the training of highly qualified personnel in the field of design, strength and dynamics of aircraft engines, their systems and units, automatic control and diagnostics using modern methods of mathematical modeling.

The training of personnel in the specialty 134 Aviation and rocket-space engineering is carried out by an experienced teaching staff. Among the teachers of the department are 4 doctors and 6 candidates of technical sciences. The educational base of the department consists of 6 educational laboratories, in which students achieve a high professional level in the field of modern aircraft engine construction and precision engineering.

Students studying in the department's educational programs are regular participants and winners of scientific development competitions and Olympiads. Scientific divisions of the department carry out research on the order of leading enterprises of the aviation industry of Ukraine and foreign organizations. Students are involved in these works. Scientific achievements of the department are implemented in many engines and systems of Ukrainian production. They are widely known in the world scientific community.

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