Scientific Activity of the Department | ХАІ
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Scientific Activity of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics,
Mechanical Science and Robotic Mechanical Systems
of the Faculty of Aviation Engines
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

During the time that has passed since the previous accreditation, the department has carried out research on the following topics:

- "Investigation of performance and stress-deformed state of elements of mechanical and biomechanical systems" (0117U006804, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V. M. Dotsenko);

- "Development of effective coatings and combined reinforced layers to improve the workability of parts of automatic transmission and distribution systems" (0118U004549, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor G.I. Kostyuk).

- "Information support of life cycle stages of aerospace products" (state registration number 0117U006972, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V.M. Pavlenko);

- "Creation of mathematical models and analysis based on them of heterogeneous mechanical systems for aerospace engineering objects and equipment for their production" (0112U000332, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V.M. Dotsenko);

- "The concept of creating nanostructures, nano- and traditional coatings, taking into account the effect of adhesion on the efficiency and workability of parts of AT and AD and RI" (0112U001574, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor G.I. Kostyuk);

- "Research of components and parts of aircraft and their engines by modeling them as heterogeneous mechanical systems" (0115U001161, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V.M. Dotsenko);

- "Creation of methodological foundations for the integration of decision-making support production systems into a single space of knowledge at aerospace enterprises" (0115U000997, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V.M. Pavlenko);

- "Experimental-theoretical study of obtaining nanostructures under the action of ion and light-ray streams on structural materials and RI" (0115U000332867, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor G.I. Kostyuk).

- "Investigation of performance and stress-deformed state of elements of mechanical and biomechanical systems" (0117U006804, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V. M. Dotsenko);

- "Development of effective coatings and combined reinforced layers to improve the workability of parts of automatic transmission and distribution systems" (0118U004549, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor G.I. Kostyuk).

- "Development of methods and equipment for the formation of oxide and carbon nanostructures by the action of plasma flows" (0122U001160, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor O.O. Baranov).

In 2020, the staff of the department won a grant from the National Research Fund of Ukraine on the topic "Scientific foundations of the creation of oxide and carbon nanostructures in a plasma environment" (0120U105422, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor O.O. Baranov).

The directions of research are multifaceted, complex and aimed at the development of students' conscious attitude to future professional activity, contribute to inculcating the skills and abilities of critical analysis of their professional actions and their consequences, which opens the perspective of constant self-improvementя.

Teachers of the department, as well as applicants and graduate students participated in the implementation of the NDR. The results of the scientific research work were reflected in scientific publications.

7 candidate and 4 doctoral theses were defended by teachers and postgraduate students of the department:

- in 2013, 1 dissertation was defended for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences (Melkozyorova O.M.);

- 1 dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences (V.M. Pavlenko);

- in 2015, 1 dissertation was defended for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences (I.M. Moskalenko);

- 1 dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences (Y.O. Sysoev);

- in 2016, 1 dissertation was defended for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences (O.O. Baranov);

- in 2018, 1 dissertation was defended for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences (V.I. Nazin, "Dynamics of double hydrostatodynamic sliding bearings of power plant units", scientific consultant, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor V.M. Dotsenko) and a candidate's thesis (A.O. Breus, "Improvement of plasma-ion technology for obtaining nanostructures on the surface of a cutting tool", scientific supervisor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor G.I. Kostiuk)

- in 2019, 3 dissertations were defended for obtaining the scientific degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences (Kantemir I.V., "Improving the processes of creating nanostructures in plasma-ion and laser technologies to increase the efficiency of cutting tools", scientific supervisor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor Kostyuk G.I.; Minaev M.O. "Obtaining composite nanostructured vacuum-arc coatings of the Ti-TiN/TiON structure and their properties", scientific director, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yu. O. Sysoev; Svitlichnyi S. P . "Models of the interaction of a soft body with an obstacle and the results of their research", scientific supervisor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V. A. Vanin)

- in 2020, 1 dissertation was defended for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences (Matveev O.V., "Formation of nanostructures during rapid processes of ion and laser processing of cutting tools and parts", scientific supervisor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Kostyuk H.).