Department of Economics, Marketing and International Economic Relations | ХАІ
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HomeEducationFaculties and departmentsFaculty of Software Engineering and BusinessDepartmentsDepartment of Economics, Marketing and International Economic Relations

Department of Economics, Marketing
and International Economic Relations
of the Faculty of Software Engineering and Business
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The Department of Economics, Marketing and International Economic Relations is an educational unit of the Faculty of Software Engineering and Business, which accumulates high scientific and pedagogical potential.

The purpose of the department is to train competitive specialists in the field of economics, marketing and international economic relations with a diploma recognized by the international community for the needs of our state and other countries.

The department trains specialists in the following specialties (specializations):

"051. Economics"

Educational program "Enterprise Economics" (bachelor's, master's level, shortened form of education)

Educational program "World Economy" (master's level)

"075. Marketing"

Educational program "Marketing" (bachelor's, master's level)

"292 International Economic Relations"

Educational program "International Economy" (bachelor's level)

Educational program "International tourism business" (bachelor's level)

The composition of the department is more than 30 employees, including 3 doctors of science and 19 candidates of science, as well as 6 employees of educational and support staff.

Students of the department annually participate in All-Ukrainian Olympiads, International competitions, diploma, master's and scientific theses, where they receive prizes and diplomas of various degrees.

The best students receive scholarships named after the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Leonid Kuchma Presidential Fund "Ukraine", the Viktor Pinchuk Fund, Zavtra.UA, etc.

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