Department of Finance, Accounting and Taxation | ХАІ
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Department of Finance, Accounting and Taxation
of the Faculty of Software Engineering and Business
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The Department of Finance, Accounting and Taxation was established in April 1998 with the aim of expanding the training of specialists in the economic profile. She is the graduate chair for the specialties "071 Accounting and Taxation" and "072 Finance, Banking and Insurance".

The scientific and pedagogical activities of the department's teaching staff are aimed at ensuring the high quality of higher education for those who have obtained the "junior bachelor's", "bachelor's" and "master's" qualification levels in the specified specialties. The licensed volumes of admissions for the specialties of the department are:

in specialty 071 "Accounting and taxation":

- for full-time education

- 10 people (junior bachelor);

- 40 people (bachelor);

- 10 people (master's degree);

- for correspondence education

- 10 people (bachelor);

- 5 people (master's degree);

in specialty 072 "Finance, banking and insurance":

- for full-time education

- 10 people (junior bachelor);

- 100 people (bachelor);

- 30 people (master's degree);

- for correspondence education

- 100 people (bachelor);

- 20 people (master's degree).

Students will receive competencies in more than 50 academic disciplines, perform coursework and diploma work on real topics. Classes are held by 14 full-time teachers of the department, including 2 doctors of economic sciences and 9 candidates of economic sciences. The educational process is fully equipped with modern educational and methodical literature, including for distance learning. Based on the results of research conducted together with students, the department's teachers have published more than 50 scientific works in the last two years, which are indexed by international scientometric databases, including Scopus and Web of Science.

The department constantly expands creative and scientific ties with foreign educational institutions, namely the University of Professor Dr. Asen Zlatarov (Bulgaria), Tallinn University of Technology, Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tashkent State University of Economics, Eastern -Kazakhstan State Technical University named after Serikbaeva, European University of Information Technologies and Economics (Warsaw, Poland), National Institute of Economic Research (Moldova).

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Спеціальності та освітні програми Склад кафедри Наукова діяльність кафедри

Навчально-лабороторна база  Графік пар Контакти

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