Department of Software Engineering | ХАІ
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Department of Software Engineering
of the Faculty of Software Engineering and Business
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The Department of Software Engineering is an educational and scientific unit of a higher educational institution that provides training and scientific research in the field of software development. Focusing on the training of specialists in the field of creation, analysis, design, implementation, testing and support of software products, the department prepares highly qualified specialists in an interesting, modern, promising and highly paid field - software engineering. The acquired qualifications allow graduates to find work in Ukrainian and international IT companies.

Cooperation with leading Ukrainian IT companies (Sigma Ukraine, NIX Solutions, Data Art, Global Logic, Distributed Lab) gives students the opportunity to gain professional experience during practice and join teams working on real projects. A high level of professional training contributes to the successful participation of department students in sports programming competitions. The department also has a Sports Programming Club, where leading teachers organize additional classes on competition preparation, programming for the Internet of Things, mobile devices and web programming.

In order to familiarize students and teachers of schools and colleges with the specialty of software engineering, various events are held: seminars, educational practices, master classes, tournaments in programming and information technologies.

The main disciplines studied at the Department of Software Engineering include:

- basics of programming;

- algorithms and data structures;

- object-oriented programming;

- web technologies and development of web applications;

- databases and database management systems;

- Operating Systems;

- computer networks;

- software development technologies;

- software testing and quality;

- designing software systems.

Graduates of the Department of Software Engineering can work in various fields, such as software product development, IT consulting, scientific research, teaching, software testing, and more. Thanks to fruitful cooperation with leading companies and activities at the department, students have the opportunity to gain practical experience, expand their knowledge and skills, and also prepare for the challenges of the modern labor market.

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