Department of Management | ХАІ
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Department of Management
of the Faculty of Software Engineering and Business
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The Department of Management is a structural subdivision of the Faculty of Software Engineering and Business, the graduation department for the specialty "073. Management" under the educational programs of bachelor's training and the educational-professional programs of training of masters:

- management;

- logistics;

- project management.

The mission of the Department of Management is to train qualified and competitive specialists in the field of management and socially active members of society.

The department originates from the Department of Technology and Organization of Production, which was created at Khai Khai in 1930, and in 1999 was renamed the Department of Management.

The department employs: 2 doctors of economic sciences, 2 doctors of technical sciences, 2 candidates of economic and 13 technical sciences, 9 associate professors.

The educational activity of the department is aimed at in-depth study of basic managerial, economic and general education disciplines, the content of which is regularly updated to meet the needs of modern business. In the process of study, students acquire knowledge and practical skills in individual functions of management and management of the enterprise as a whole. Distinctive features of the training of managers at Khai Khai are extended computer training, in-depth study of foreign languages, study of real business processes during course and diploma projects.

Since 2016, the department has been conducting scientific research in the areas of "Management of projects for the development of industrial enterprises", "Information technologies in management" and "Models and methods of assessing the viability of international projects". Based on the results of these studies, four monographs, five textbooks, 48 articles in professional publications, 14 of which were published in SCOPUS, were published, 84 reports were made at conferences, and patents were filed and registered. During 2018, 2 doctoral theses and three candidate theses were defended.

The research work of the department is a component of preparing students for independent professional, scientific and pedagogical activities. Students of the department take an active part in conferences, all-Ukrainian Olympiads and competitions, where they receive prizes.

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