Scientific Activity of the Department | ХАІ
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Scientific activity of the Department
of Public Administration and Entrepreneurship
of the Faculty of Software Engineering and Business
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Main areas of scientific research

The main directions of scientific research of the Department of Public Administration and Entrepreneurship are the following:

- organizational and analytical support for the adoption and implementation of state management decisions;

- innovation and investment processes;

- public administration in the aerospace industry;

- public administration in the field of national security;

- the current state and trends in the development of the economy and entrepreneurship;

- organization of trade and exchange activities.

Scientific research work

At this stage, scientific and pedagogical staff of the department are working on the development of a technical task for a scientific research work on the topic: "Theoretical, methodological and applied principles of the development of public administration in Ukraine."

Scientific and communicative activities

Every year, the Department of Public Administration and Entrepreneurship organizes and holds the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of young scientists, students and school youth "Actual problems of the development of the economy, entrepreneurship and administration in the conditions of the transformation of the economy of Ukraine", within which the following thematic sections are distinguished:

- urgent problems of the development of the national economy of Ukraine, entrepreneurship, trade and stock market activity in the conditions of the financial and economic crisis;

- management and administration of regional economic systems in the conditions of transformation of the economy of Ukraine;

- the latest issues regarding expert technologies of goods and services;

- global problems of modern society.

In addition, during the 2020/2021 academic year, scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Public Administration and Entrepreneurship took part in the following scientific and communicative events: International scientific and practical conference "Modern scientific and technical methods of management information flow and their influence on the development of society ", International scientific and practical conference "Eurasian scientific congress", International scientific and practical conference "Theoretical foundations of modern science and practice", International scientific and practical conference "Modern problems of economy and business", International conference "Modern education systems in the USA, the EU and the Post-Soviet countries-2020", International scientific and practical conference "Modern aspects of modernization of science in Ukraine: state, problems, development trends", International scientific and practical conference "Entrepreneurial, trade, exchange activity: trends, problems and prospects and development", International Scientific and Practical Conference "Sustainable Development of Socio-Economic Systems in the Conditions of Globalization Processes", International Scientific and Practical Conference of East European National University named after Lesia Ukrainka "Socially Competent Management of Corporations in the Conditions of Behavioral Economics", International Scientific Congress "Public management of the 21st century: a portal of opportunities", All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of young scientists and school youth "Actual problems of business technology development in modern conditions of globalization processes", All-Ukrainian scientific conference "Actual issues of man-made and civil security of Ukraine", All-Ukrainian scientific and theoretical conference of young scientists "Culture and information society of the 21st century".


Scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Public Administration and Entrepreneurship systematically publish the results of their own scientific work in the following specialized publications on public administration and economics: "Public Administration and National Security", "Investments: Practice and Experience", "Bulletin of the National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine (series "Public administration")", "Public administration studies", "Public administration and regional development", "Public administration: improvement and development", "Expert: paradigms of legal sciences and public administration", "Financial space", "Economics and law", Bulletin of the University of Banking, "State and regions. Series: Economics and entrepreneurship", "Entrepreneurship and innovations", "Economics and management", "World of economic science", "Economics. Finances. Law" and others.

In addition, scientific and pedagogical workers of the department published their own scientific works in international publications, in particular, those included in Scopus, Web of Science and other scientific and metric databases: "Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice", "Ukrainian Journal of Ecology", "International Journal of Management", "Słupskie Prace Geograficzne".

Scientific work of teachers with students

During the 2020/2021 academic year, students of specialties 076 "Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity" and 281 "Public management and administration" take an active part in the I and II rounds of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in the fields of knowledge of the specialties:

- "Public management and administration";

- "Management of investment and innovation activity";

- "Management of financial and economic security";

- "Entrepreneurship";

- "Management of projects and programs";

- "Social work".

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