Scientific circle of the Department of Law | ХАІ
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HomeEducationLawScientific circle of the Department of Law

Scientific circle of the Department of Law

The following academic circles operate on a free basis at the Department of Law of the Humanities and Legal Faculty:

"Actual problems of economic law"

"Problems of legal regulation of civil legal relations"

"Actual issues of jurisprudence"

The goals of the group are:

- identification of the most capable and talented students and schoolchildren inclined to scientific and research work;

- deepening research on the issues of scientific activity of the department with the participation of students and schoolchildren;

- acquisition of scientific work skills;

- activation of schoolchildren's interest in the areas of activity of the law department within the scope of career guidance work;

- involvement of gifted students and schoolchildren in research activities.

The main tasks of the circle are:

- involvement in research work of students and schoolchildren who show interest in it;

- organization of research work of students and schoolchildren;

- in-depth study by students and schoolchildren of materials from the chosen field;

- preparation of scientific reports, messages and abstracts on current problems of the relevant field, speeches at scientific group meetings, scientific seminars, conferences;

- preparation of scientific publications, reviews, annotations on published works;

- involvement in applied developments, stands and layouts;

- participation in student competitions, Olympiads, etc.

The group functions on the basis of voluntary membership. Membership in the circle is fixed, but not limited. Any student and schoolboy who wants to deepen their knowledge of the subject and acquire research work skills can be a member of the group. Admission to the circle is carried out upon personal application of a student or schoolboy.

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