Systems of Autonomous Navigation and Adaptive Control of Aircraft | ХАІ
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HomeEducationSystems of Autonomous Navigation and Adaptive Control of Aircraft

Profile of the educational and professional program
"Systems of Autonomous Navigation and Adaptive Control of Aircraft"

General information about the educational program

Full name of the higher educational institution and structural subdivision: National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", Department of Aircraft Control Systems 

Degree of higher education: Bachelor

Qualification in the diploma: Bachelor in Avionics in Areas of knowledge Electronics and Telecommunications

The official name of the educational and scientific program: Systems of Autonomous Navigation and Adaptive Control of Aircraft

Type of diploma and scope of the educational-scientific program: Bachelor's degree, single, term of study 3 years 10 months:

- on the basis of complete general secondary education - 240 ECTS credits;

- on the basis of the degree of junior bachelor (educational qualification level "Junior Specialist"), professional junior bachelor - 240 ECTS credits.

KhAI recognizes and recalculates:

no more than 120 ECTS credits obtained in the field of knowledge 17 Electronics and Telecommunications;

not more than 60 ECTS credits obtained in other specialties:

not more than 60 ECTS credits received under the previous professional higher education program.

Availability of accreditation: Certificate of accreditation: UD series № 21008334, issued on January 25, 2019 on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated December 19, 2016 № 1565.Accreditation period: until July 1, 2024

Cycle / level: The first (bachelor's) educational and professional level.NRC of Ukraine - level 6. FQ-EHEA - first cycle, EQF-LLL - 6 level

Prerequisites: A person has the right to obtain a bachelor's degree provided he / she has completed general secondary education. Admission based on the degrees of "Junior Bachelor", "specialties Junior Bachelor" or educational qualification level "Junior Specialist " is carried out in the manner prescribed by law

Language (s) of instruction: The language of instruction is the state language. In order to create the conditions for international academic mobility, it may be decided to teach one or more subjects in English and/or other foreign languages

Term of the educational-scientific program: Until the introduction of a new educational program

The purpose of the educational and professional program:

1. To provide theoretical knowledge and practical skills sufficient for successful performance of professional duties under the educational-professional program "Systems of Autonomous Navigation and Adaptive Control of Aircraft", specialty 173 "Avionics".

2. Formation of the personality of a specialist able to use professional knowledge and practical skills to solve problems in the field of navigation systems, automated and automatic control systems for autonomous mobile objects, aerospace and rocket objects.

Suitability of graduates for employment

Suitability for employment:Bachelors in 173 "Avionics" can hold positions in accordance with the National Classification of Occupations of Ukraine: Classifier of Professions (DK 003: 2010) and International Standard Classification of Occupations 2008 (ISCO-08)).

Academic rights of graduates:A person has the right to continue his / her education in a professional or educational-scientific master's degree program, as well as to acquire additional qualifications in the adult education system

Teaching and evaluation

Teaching and learning: Lectures, multimedia lectures, laboratory work, practical classes in small groups, independent work based on textbooks and abstracts, consultations with teachers, preparation of qualifying work.

Student-centered learning, self-study, problem-oriented learning aimed at the development of critical and creative thinking, learning through laboratory practice, distance education, etc.

Evaluation: Written exams, practice reports, presentations, current (modular) control, qualification work and its defense

Characteristics of the educational and scientific program  Graduate competencies Program learning outcomes

Resource support for the implementation of program Academic mobility List of components

Educational and professional programs Summary, structure and components