Technology of Aircraft Manufacturing Department | ХАІ
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Technology of Aircraft Manufacturing Department

Technology of Aircraft Manufacturing Department – major-block helps to train highly qualified specialists for the industry of Ukraine and the leading companies of the world. Training is based on modern methods of integrated design and engineering analysis with a wide use of computer information technologies.

Graduates get the opportunity to work at public and private enterprises in the general engineering industries, in research institutions, design technical bureaus, higher educational institutions in Ukraine and abroad, as well as at enterprises related to the operation and repair of aircraft.

Specialties for which the Major is offered:

1st Faculty, 134th Programme Subject Area, Educational Program "Design, production and certification of aviation equipment".

Prerequisites (required incoming knowledge, skills):

Does not require additional knowledge and skills

List of disciplines (courses) included in the Major:

- Fundamentals of 3D Modelling (4 credits) - 6th semester;

- Technologies of Aircraft Manufacturing (Stamping) (4,5 credits) - 6th semester;

- Integrated Computer Aided Technologies (4 credits) - 7th semester;

- Technologies of Aircraft Manufacturing (Machining) (4,5 credits) - 7th semester;

- Computer Aided Design of Technological Tooling (6 credits) - 8th semester;

- Technologies of Aircraft Manufacturing (assembly unit) (4,5 credits) - 8th semester;

- Computer Aided Design of Technological Tooling (Term Project) (2 credits) - 8th semester.