Наукова монографія
"DIgital Platforms for Software engineering"
колективу авторів під керівництвом Туркіна Ігоря Борисовича
Title of the monograph:DIgital Platforms for Software engineering
Technical editor: Igor Turkin
Purpose of the book: The book is devoted to the study of the modern phenomenon of digital platforms and software ecosystems as a basis for sustainability and readiness of the business to disruptive technologies. Digitization, 3D printing, IoT, uberization, blockchain technologies are clear examples of such discontinuous technologies. The inability or unwillingness of a particular business to implement new trends is a direct threat to its existence.
For more information, please contact: [email protected]
Template for publishing design: https://se.khai.edu/monografiya-digital-platforms-for-software-engineering/
Submission at easychair.org: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dips2021
Part 1. Software ecosystems as the basis of digital production platforms in Industry 4.0
Part 2. Methodology and principles of the software ecosystems
Part 3. Modeling and assessments of the software ecosystems
Part 4. The social view of software ecosystems
Part 5. Innovation view of software ecosystems
Part 6. Software ecosystems from a business perspective