Training and methodical department | ХАІ
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HomeEducationTraining and methodical department

Training and methodical department
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The training and methodological department is a structural division of the University and is directly subordinated to the vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work (in the field of study).

The training and methodological department consists of working groups:

- dispatching of the educational process;

- methodological support of the educational process;

- development and implementation of the University's quality management system.

The main tasks of the department are:

- collection of proposals of departments (appendices to semester plans) for the development of a methodically sustained schedule of training sessions and examinations of University students;

- development of schedules of training sessions for full-time students, consultations and exams for full-time students, training sessions, consultations and exams for part-time students;

- implementation of selective control over the quality and timeliness of training classes, consultations and exams by University teachers;

- organization and coordination of the works of departments and faculties to provide disciplines with educational and methodological literature, organization of reviewing educational and methodological literature prepared for intra-university publication;

- collection and archiving of curricula of University specialties;

- collection and archiving of work and study programs in the disciplines taught at the University;

- support of the electronic library of methodical support of the educational process of the University;

- collection and processing of information regarding conducting rector's control checks of students' residual knowledge;

- analysis of providing the educational process with forms and ordering the necessary forms from the University's printing office, distribution of forms to the departments and to the dean's offices of the University;

- planning and management of practical activities of the University in the field of quality to ensure high-quality professional education that will meet the modern requirements of interested parties;

- development, implementation, maintenance in working condition, improvement and preservation of the documentation necessary to ensure the functioning of the University's quality management system, and ensuring its availability at the places of use;

- monitoring, measurement and analysis of both individual processes and the system as a whole for the purpose of determining effectiveness and evaluating the possibilities of its improvement;

- preparation of the University for certification of the quality management system by independent bodies for certification and supervisory audits.

The main activity of the department is methodical support of the educational process at the University.

To carry out the tasks, the department performs the following functions in the areas of activity:

Dispatching group of the educational process:

- analysis of semester plans for full-time and part-time students;

- a collection of department proposals in the form of appendices to semester plans for the development of a methodically sustained schedule of classes and exams;

- drawing up a draft schedule of classes for teachers and students;

- approval of the project schedule with departments, dean's offices, adjustment of the schedule;

- printing and transfer of the schedule to departments and faculties of the University;

- drawing up a schedule of consultations and exams for full-time students, taking into account the well-founded wishes of the departments, as well as taking into account the examination and guidance sessions of correspondence students;

- approval of the schedule of consultations and exams with departments and dean's offices;

- printing the exam schedule and sending it to the departments and to the dean's offices;

- drawing up a schedule of training sessions, instructional and credit-examination sessions for correspondence students, approval and transfer of schedules to departments and the dean's office;

- approval of issues of faculty relations when drawing up the schedule of classes and exams;

- rescheduling classes in case of business trips or vacations of teachers;

- taking part in the organization of general independent assessment, conferences, Olympiads, contests, exhibitions, competitions in University auditoriums, etc.;

- dispatching of the educational process.

The group of methodical support of the educational process:

- collection and processing of information regarding conducting rector's control checks of students' residual knowledge;

- selective control over conducting rector's control checks of students' residual knowledge, conducting classes by University teachers;

- organization and coordination of the work of departments and faculties to provide disciplines with educational and methodological literature, organization of review of educational and methodological literature prepared for publication;

- completion of the index fund of university editions of educational and educational-methodical literature for the methodical office of the University;

- preparation of data on the progress and control of the implementation of annual thematic plans for the publication of educational and teaching-methodical literature;

- taking part in correspondence with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Institute of Innovative Technologies and the Content of Education and the Cabinet of Ministers, etc.;

- collection and archiving of study plans of specialties, work and training programs in academic disciplines;

- support of the electronic library of methodical support of the educational process of the University;

- preparation of reports on the volume of publication of educational and teaching-methodical literature by University teachers.

Group for the development and implementation of the quality management system of the University:

- organization and management in the development, implementation and maintenance of the processes of the University's quality management system;

- preparation of materials for analysis and reporting to the highest management on the functioning of the University's quality management system, and the necessary actions for its improvement;

- management of work groups and authorized quality representatives in units;

- ensuring the awareness of the University staff regarding the appropriateness and importance of their activities and regarding their contribution to the achievement of goals in the field of quality;

- organization of informing interested parties about the results of the functioning of the University's quality management system;

- evaluation of the satisfaction of interested parties;

- organization and self-assessment of the processes of the University's quality management system;

- organization of training for University personnel in quality management;

- consulting employees on quality management;

- organization of management of documentation of the University's quality management system and quality records;

- preparation of materials for meetings and audits;

- control of compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents regarding the structure, content and design of the internal documentation of the University;

- ensuring legibility and ease of identification of documents;

- development of documentation for the processes of the University's quality management system;

- implementation of processes, documentation of the University's quality management system, and changes to them;

- development of draft proposals to improve the functioning of the University's quality management system;

- participation in planning and conducting internal audits;

- registration of the results of internal audits;

- development of recommendations on corrective actions;

- collection and systematization of data on the functioning of the University's quality management system in units;

- training of personnel of units. 

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