Academic Integrity Promotion Group | ХАІ
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HomeEducationAcademic IntegrityAcademic Integrity Promotion Group

Academic Integrity Promotion Group
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The group is a collegial advisory body, which was created for the purpose of assisting scientific, scientific and pedagogical workers of the University, students of higher education, post-graduate students and doctoral students in the requirements, rules and principles of academic integrity, as well as to perform organizational, informational, educational functions regarding the observance of academic integrity in education process, in the scientific activity of the University.

In its work, the group is guided by the laws of Ukraine "On education", "On higher education", "On scientific and scientific and technical activity", "On copyright and related rights", the Statute of the University, other normative documents on the organization of the educational process and scientific activity and Regulations on the Academic Integrity Promotion Group.

The main tasks of the Group:

- general coordination of compliance with academic integrity and the ethics of academic relationships as an element of the internal system of ensuring the quality of educational activities and higher education (academic integrity), as well as scientific activity (research integrity) at the University;

- development and improvement of the normative and information base of the University, which describes the system and mechanisms of promoting the principles of academic integrity, mechanisms of prevention, detection and procedure for consideration of cases of violation of academic integrity in the educational and scientific activities of the University;

- popularization of compliance with academic integrity as one of the fundamental principles of corporate culture at the University by students of higher education, as well as pedagogic, scientific-pedagogical, scientific workers and other categories of employees during educational and scientific activities and performance of their official duties;

- assistance to deans of faculties, heads of departments, heads of educational units in creating and maintaining internal procedures for ensuring academic integrity in educational and scientific activities, compliance with it by students of higher education and achievement of the learning outcomes determined by them;

- organization of the system and mechanisms for monitoring compliance with academic integrity in the educational and scientific activities of the University, in particular when publishing academic texts;

- promoting the implementation in the University of modern technologies for combating manifestations of academic dishonesty, including an effective system for the prevention and detection of academic plagiarism in the works of students of higher education and employees of the University;

- creation of effective mechanisms for the involvement of all participants in the educational process, stakeholders of the University's educational and scientific activities (University management, guarantors and groups providing educational programs, employees, students of higher education, graduates, employers) to the promotion of academic integrity in the educational and scientific process.

According to the main tasks, the functions of the Group are:

- conducting popularization and information technology events (trainings, seminars, open lectures, educational modules on academic writing and compliance with the principles of academic integrity, etc.);

- ensuring the functioning of an effective university system for ensuring academic integrity, as well as a system for preventing and detecting academic plagiarism in the academic and scientific works of students of higher education and University employees as part of the university system for ensuring academic integrity, in particular

- at the level of the educational program / department / faculty / other educational and scientific and/or scientific unit, at the university level,

- for various groups of specialties, educational programs (mechanical engineering, computer science, economics, humanities, etc.),

- for various types of educational and scientific works (coursework, control, qualification; dissertations, articles, monographs, etc.);

- monitoring and survey regarding cases of violation of academic integrity by students of higher education and employees of the University;

- publication of periodic open reports on the level of compliance with the principles of academic integrity and ethics of academic relations at the University;

- provision of consulting services on the formation of a culture of academic integrity in the structural subdivisions of the University of educational and scientific direction;

- conducting scientific research on the topic of academic integrity;

- development of information material (remarks, recommendations, road maps, etc.) on issues of academic integrity.

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