Department of Aerospace Heat Engineering | ХАІ
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Department of Aerospace Heat Engineering
of the Faculty of Aviation Engines
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The department of aerospace thermal engineering is a graduate in the direction "14. Electrical engineering", specialty "144. Thermal power engineering".

12 teachers are involved in the educational process, including 2 doctors of technical sciences, 9 candidates of technical sciences, 1 professor, 8 associate professors, 1 senior teacher, 1 assistant.

Graduates of the department receive higher education at the "bachelor's" and "master's" qualification levels.

Having acquired fundamental knowledge in chemistry, physics, higher mathematics, engineering graphics, computer modeling in the first courses, students begin studying disciplines that shape them as specialists in the field of thermal power engineering. Students study the following basic disciplines: technical thermodynamics, gas dynamics, heat and mass exchange, heat exchange devices, energy audit and energy management, thermophysical properties of substances, theory of working processes of heat engines, etc.

Students are actively involved in the research work of the department, which is carried out on the order of domestic and foreign companies. In particular, to work on the design of thermoregulation systems of space vehicles, oil systems of aircraft engines, heat and cold supply systems, energy saving, increasing the energy efficiency of production, the use of non-traditional types of energy.

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