History of the Department | ХАІ
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History of the Department of Aerospace Heat Engineering
of the Faculty of Aviation Engines
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

In 1947, academician Proskura created the Department of Special Vehicles at the KhАІ.


Academician Hryhoriy Proskura

The need to create the department was determined by the requirements of the time, in particular, the lack of specialists in jet engine construction, which began to develop intensively in those years, including in the USSR.

In accordance with the goals of its creation, the department provided training in all disciplines related to jet engine construction: thermodynamics, gas dynamics, heat transfer, theory of turbomachinery, etc.

The first teachers of the department were students of Proskura - Borysenko, Goldan. In addition to the educational process, intensive scientific research was conducted at the department. Thus, under the leadership of academician Proskura, work was carried out on the development of wing theory, thermogas dynamics of aircraft engines, turbomachines, experimental and industrial aerohydromechanics. Postgraduate students of Proskura - Yershov, Munshtukov, Frolov worked on the scientific problems of designing aircraft turbines and compressors. To solve scientific problems, various research laboratories were purposefully created to study all aspects of the design of air-jet engines.

In 1952, a student of Proskura - Borysenko - became the head of the department, and it received a new name - the department of gas thermodynamics and jet engines.


Professor Oleksandr Borysenko

Continuing the tradition of Academician Proskura, Borysenko founded his own scientific school of applied gas dynamics and heat transfer in power equipment. The main direction of research was the application of methods of thermogas dynamics in the design of energy facilities in order to increase their efficiency.

In his textbook "Gas Dynamics of Engines", Borysenko was one of the first to systematize and explain the gas dynamics of aircraft engines using correct mathematical methods, solving two-dimensional problems of continuum flow, and considering processes in all engine elements. As one of the founders of the domestic jet engine industry, General Designer, active member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Lyulka, recalled, this book was always on his desk. Oleksandr Borysenko's scientific results also made a significant contribution to experimental aerodynamics and the practice of aircraft construction.


Borysenko's field of scientific research was connected not only with aviation and jet engine construction. He also fruitfully worked on the problem of increasing the efficiency of electrical equipment of large, medium and small power, which is mass-produced in the USSR. In order to solve problems related to this topic, in 1959 the laboratory of industrial aerodynamics was founded at the department, which in 1966 was reorganized into the branch laboratory of aerodynamics and heat transfer in electric machines and devices.


The high level of teaching and scientific research at the department prompted Lyulka to contribute to the creation in 1957 at the department of a problem laboratory of thermal processes in aircraft engines. In addition, in 1971, a new technology laboratory was founded, which researched electric rocket engines and space power plants.

In the problem laboratory of thermal processes in aircraft engines under the leadership of Potapenko, work was carried out on the development of heat-resistant coatings for work in high temperature conditions. Simbirskyi, Chub, Khoruzhenko took part in these works. In addition, Kuleshov studied the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels; Mykhaylenko, Kravtsov, Smantser, Forfutdinov conducted research on processes in heat exchangers with mixing of working bodies for the regenerator of an aircraft gas turbine engine.

In the mid-1960s, work on magnetic hydrogas dynamics began actively all over the world in connection with the emergence of a new direction in the energy sector - the direct conversion of thermal energy into electrical energy. Employees of the department actively began work in this direction, which led to the creation of a special laboratory of magnetic gas dynamics. Student Borysenko - Yakovlev directly participated in the implementation of most of the mentioned studies.

Summarizing the results of his theoretical and experimental works based on the approach to the electric machine as a set of electromechanical and thermohydraulic systems, Yakovlev was one of the first in the USSR to create the scientific basis for the design of medium and low power electrical equipment. Later, starting in the 80s, he headed the Borysenko Scientific School in the part related to the cooling of electric machines. The department was actively developing, several laboratories were working in its composition, work was carried out in various scientific directions. It should be noted that at that time the department included 22 teachers and more than 150 employees of scientific units.

Therefore, for more effective management of such a large team in the 70s, it was considered expedient to establish three independent departments on the basis of the specialized areas of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electrical Engineering, as well as to strengthen the Department of Electrical Engineering by transferring the GLATEMA laboratory to it.

Heads of areas that developed in the 70s at the department - Yershov, Belan, Borysenko - headed new departments, and Yakovlev headed the department of electrical engineering. The department of GTE and RD received a new name - "Thermophysical fundamentals of engine construction" and continued to provide teaching of profiling disciplines (thermodynamics, hydro-gas dynamics, heat transfer) while training specialists in aviation and rocket engine construction.

In 1982, Frolov was appointed head of the department. In the 60s, under his leadership, a scientific school of engineering thermophysics of heterogeneous flows began to form. The first push that led Serhiy Dmytrovych to choose this direction of research was made by his teacher Academician Proskura. In the future, the circle of scientific interests of Frolov was formed and expanded in connection with the development of magnetic hydrogas dynamics and the development of the theory of jet energy converters.


Serhii Frolov

In the laboratory of magneto-gas dynamics of the Department of Gas and Power Engineering under the leadership of Frolov, research was carried out on supersonic magneto-gasodynamic generators of the linear and vortex type.

While working on this task, Associate Professor Dykiy was the first in the USSR to propose a scheme of a vortex generator with liquid metal, the movement of which is provided by steam jets.


Grigory Dykiy

To create the theory of such an energy converter, it was necessary to solve the problems of two-phase flow. From this range of tasks, a new scientific direction was created - the development of jet non-single-phase energy converters. Since 1966, a systematic study of the working process of jet non-single-phase energy converters and their main elements began. A large group of Frolov's students participated in this work - Selivanov, Horbenko, Blinkov, Petukhov, Bespyatov, Soplenkov, Ivanenko, Bredykhin and othersі.


Dyky made a serious contribution to the improvement of MHD generators

Employees of the department, with the direct participation of Frolov, proposed many technical applications of these converters.

During the 1980s and 1990s, other scientific directions were formed at the department, led by leading teachers and scientists of the department. Thus, the second branch of the Borysenko Scientific School is associated with the name of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Munshtukov. The content of this direction is physical and mathematical modeling of unsteady gas movement in flow systems.


Diamid Munshtukov

With his scientific works, Munshtukov significantly expanded the possibilities of the gas-hydraulic analogy method. Under his leadership, a unique installation was created for modeling non-stationary modes of operation of exhaust systems of turbo-piston engines. A new concept of mathematical modeling of unsteady gas movement in turbomachines and heat engines was put forward and implemented, the feature of which is taking into account intensive processes of exchange of mass, momentum, and energy. Munshtukov made a great contribution to the theory of wave energy converters.

Munstukov's work on the supercharger system made it possible to seriously increase the power of the 5TDF engine of T-64 tank

Munshtukov's ideas and methods were developed and deepened by his students Zatserklyany, Ambrozhevich, Nechitaylo, Lyashenko, Ersmambetov, and Lapotko.

Another direction of scientific work of the department was related to the study of cavitation strength of liquids, which were carried out under the leadership of Chistyakov. These works became the development of research into the phenomenon of cavitation in hydroturbines, which was started by Potapenko on the instructions of Academician Proskura in the first post-war years. Later, they turned into a set of studies on the acoustic measurement of movement parameters of underwater objects, which were of exceptional importance for the country's defense capability.

The volume of research and the number of areas of application of the theory of jet energy converters with a non-single-phase working body were so significant that other scientific directions gradually began to stand out. They were led by Frolov's students of the first generation - Selivanov (theory of gas-liquid nozzles, liquid forcing of marine gas turbine engines, safety systems of nuclear power plants), Petukhov (theory of gas-liquid pumps, closure of cryogenic fuel circuits and its cooling), Horbenko and Blinkov (theory of two-phase circulation circuits, thermophysical aspects of safety nuclear reactors). Significant scientific and practical achievements were obtained in these areas.

In particular, on the basis of the works of Associate Professor Selivanov, systems for increasing the thrust of gas turbine engines of special-purpose marine vessels and gas-jet engines of high-speed vessels were created. The proposed and implemented autonomous systems of passive removal of the residual heat release of the nuclear reactor during its emergency cooling were recognized by well-known experts in the nuclear energy industry of Ukraine, Russia, France, and Germany.

Associate Professor Petukhov's work was aimed at solving the problem of irreversible losses of cryogenic fuel components during tests of rocket engine units. The systems he created for deep cooling of these components in a foam-like state contributed to reducing the volume of rocket fuel tanks. The results of the work in this direction were used in the creation of the "Energy-Buran" complex, an aviation engine on liquid hydrogen, in a number of developments of the "Pivdenne" KB, NDIKHIMMASH, and the "Start" MKB.


Ilya Petukhov


Petukhov made a serious contribution to the development of the refueling system of the "Energy-Buran" complex

Frolov spent a lot of effort so that the department began to graduate specialists (before that, only "artificial" diploma projects and works were carried out at the department by those students who participated in scientific research). An analysis of the place of the department in the process of training specialists for the aerospace industry, the content of courses, teachers and their connection with scientific research, requests from research and development bureaus and research institutes of the relevant ministries led Frolov to the thesis about the need to transition the department to the production of research engineers of thermal physics profile, the fundamental training of which will allow them to solve the thermal engineering problems of the development of aircraft and rocket engineering objects. This initiative was supported by the leading OKB and Research Institute for Aviation and Rocket Engineering, which gave impetus to the organization of the new specialty "Aerospace Thermal Engineering" for KAI. Painstaking work has begun on the formation of the passport of the specialty, the preparation of the appropriate curriculum, the development of new educational programs in fundamental and applied disciplines, the creation of the necessary methodological support, and the modernization of the laboratory base. The main amount of work in this direction was carried out by Selivanov, Kostikov, Kuleshov; Frolov himself was constantly "pushing the idea in the higher echelons" - the rectorate of Khai Khai and the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR. The first recruitment of students for the new specialty, which received the highest level of accreditation, was conducted by the department in 1990. In the rank of the graduating department, it found a new name - "Aerospace Thermal Engineering" (AKT), but retained its affiliation to the native faculty of aviation engines.


The initial period of the department's work in its new capacity coincided with difficult years for it. The collapse of the USSR led to the severing of ties with research and development bureaus and research institutes of the aerospace industry outside of Ukraine, a sharp reduction in funding for research and development work by Ukrainian factories, the abandonment of previously agreed plans for the training and graduation of specialists from "aerospace heat engineering". The Problem Laboratory of Thermal Processes was liquidated, work on non-stationary gas dynamics and cryogenic rocket fuels was terminated, and cooperation with the USSR Navy was terminated. All this affected the course of the educational process: plans to modernize the educational and laboratory base and equip new workshops with modern equipment were not implemented, as well as the transition to training under the "Phystech" system, in which all students graduating by specialty participate in real research and development works.

The situation improved somewhat in 1993, when Lyashenko's efforts at the department created the Center for Technical Physics of the KAI, which received funding from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. 


Oleksandr Lyashenko


Originally created with the help of Lyashenko, the Center for Technical Physics of KhАІ was supposed to deal with the development of magnetic levitation transport. But the subject of the actual works of the CTF KhАІ was far from the initial plans.


Employees of the CTF of KhАІ at the Department of Aerospace Heat Engineering, the second half of the 90s. 

In addition, it was possible to maintain creative ties with the Rocket and Space Corporation "Energy" (Gorbenko), the All-Russian Research Institute for the Operation of Nuclear Power Plants (Blinkov), OKB "South" (Selivanov).

Work on "terrestrial" heat energy was started: improvement of cycles of industrial gas turbines (Frolov), use of non-traditional heat sources (Petukhov), solving issues of ecologically clean energy (Asteev), development of diagnostic tools for working environments (Forfutdinov).

This made it possible to train specialists at the department not only in aerospace, but also in general heat engineering, including those related to the solution of thermophysical problems of ensuring various spheres of human life.

In 1998, the department was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Gennady Horbenko, who, taking into account the needs of the market, started, along with the training of heat technicians for the aviation and space industry, the training of heat technicians for other branches of Ukrainian industry, in particular for the food and processing industry.


Hennadiy Horbenko

The directions of scientific research of the new head of the department were quite diverse. Based on the research of professors Gorbenko and Blinkov, a new scientific direction was formed - modeling and synthesis of complex thermo-hydraulic systems with application in systems for ensuring the thermal regime of space stations, aircraft engines, and nuclear reactors.


Space topics at the department began with participation in the design of the "Mir-2" station

The results of the work in this area were used in the "South" DCB, the "Energy" Rocket and Space Corporation in the project of the International Space Station, the "Progress" ZMKB, in the Elektrogorsk Research Center for the Safety of Nuclear Plants.

Within the framework of cooperation with the Energy rocket and space corporation, under the direct supervision of Horbenko, the selection of the concept, calculation and experimental support for the design of the thermoregulation system of the International Space Station was carried out. A fundamentally new concept of a thermoregulation system based on a two-phase heat transfer circuit was implemented. The concept proved its functionality during test trials in weightlessness.


Horbenko (far right), employees of NASA and RKK "Energia" at the "Progress" spacecraft, on which the thermoregulation system stand for tests in space, developed with the participation of the CTF KAI, is installed

The FV-A stand is an analogue of the thermoregulation system of the space station. The research was carried out at the Technical Research Center of KhАІ.


The thermoregulation system developed with the participation of the department's specialists was tested in space in 1999.


The results of the experiments proved the efficiency of the ISS heat transfer system.

On the order of GKB "Pivdenne" work was carried out on calculation and experimental support of the design of the thermostatic system of the compartments and the main unit of the launch vehicle "Zyklon-4" for the conditions of the Alcantara cosmodrome (Brazil).


Missile complex "Zyklon-4", designed for flights from the cosmodrome "Alcantara".


Cosmodrome "Alcantara", Brazil. Specialists of the department took part in the development of the thermostatic system of compartments and the main unit of the "Zyklon-4" rocket.

At the request of the Elektrogorsk Scientific Research Center for the Safety of Nuclear Power Plants, the department's staff performed a number of studies that made it possible to increase the safety of nuclear power plants with reactors of the VVER and RVPK type.


Ivanenko and the second generation of CTF specialists: Chaika, Yepifanov, Turna, Timoshchenko, Ruzaykin. 2003 year..

Another direction of scientific research was the design of heat and cold supply systems for shopping complexes, food and processing industry enterprises. In particular, the systems of technological conditioning, freezing, cooling and storage of the products of the Nasha Ryaba holding, the cooling systems of the products of the Koblevo company, the heating and cooling system of the Roshen company, a new concept of energy saving, which is based on the principle of minimum generation, was proposed during the design of the system entropy.


The Department's Laboratory of Engineering Thermal Physics under the leadership of Petukhov conducted a number of works devoted to the improvement of gas turbine installations, utilization and regeneration of the heat of their exhaust gases, increasing their power when working at elevated ambient temperatures. In addition, this working group carried out a complex of works aimed at the development of new and improvement of existing devices for cooling and freezing of various environments, obtaining a foam-like state of liquid.


The system of utilization and regeneration of the heat of their exhaust gases developed by the Petukhov group made it possible to increase their efficiency.


The cooling system developed by the Petukhov group allowed to prevent the "sag" of the power of the gas turbine at high air temperatures by injecting air into the gas turbine.

The quick-freezing tunnel developed by Petukhov's group made it possible to freeze fruits and berries without damaging them and store them almost forever

The jet cooler developed by the Petukhova group allowed to cool the liquid at a speed of up to 600 K/s

Thus, the department adapted to new conditions. The constant participation of teachers in work on current projects made it possible to maintain knowledge and teaching of special disciplines at a modern level. This remains a strong point of the department even now.


Personnel of the Department of Aerospace Heat Engineering. 2003 year. 

Since 2012, the department has been headed by Dr. Tech. Sciences, Associate Professor Pavlo Gakal.


Pavlo Gakal

Employees of the department continue the development of scientific schools started by the founders of the department. Employees of the department took an active part in these works: doctors of technical sciences Gakal, Horbenko, candidates of technical sciences Petukhov, Mykhaylenko, Lysitsa, Ruzaykin, Chaika, Yepifanov, Shakhov, assistant Turna and others. The department conducts active scientific research commissioned by domestic and foreign organizations. Thus, in the period from 2002 to 2018, employees of the department under the leadership of Dr. Tech. Gakala University of Science carried out work on the design of an innovative two-phase thermoregulation system for space vehicles on the order of the Thales Alenia Space Corporation (France).


The Gakal group was engaged in the design of thermoregulation systems for space vehicles on the order of the Thales Alenia Space Corporation

Under the leadership of Mykhaylenko, within the framework of the European Horizon 2020 program, scientific research into the cooling of turbojet engine supports is being conducted. The results of these works are actively implemented in practice. So, in particular, the results of the calculation and experimental justification of technical solutions are implemented in the project of a new telecommunications satellite, which is produced by the Thales Alenia Space Corporation. Work on the study of heat and mass transfer processes in aircraft engine supports will allow to significantly increase the efficiency and reliability of engines.


Taras Mykhaylenko

The Department of Aerospace Heat Engineering prepares specialists from "Teploenergetik". Training is conducted under three educational and professional programs: "Energy Management", "Thermal Physics", "Computer-integrated technologies of designing energy systems". The department also teaches fundamental, specialized disciplines for other specialties.

The educational and laboratory base of the department consists of educational and scientific laboratories. A complex of educational stands allows students to consolidate in practice the basic principles of thermodynamics, gas dynamics, heat transfer of refrigeration equipment. The department has unique stands that allow experiments to be performed at high, even supersonic speeds. The department manages not only to maintain the old installations, but also to gradually put new educational stands into operation.


Horbenko conducts a lecture on refrigeration technology. 2015. 


Chayka conducts a practical lesson on refrigeration technology. 2015.

For all the years of the department's existence, the department's teachers have published more than 100 textbooks and teaching methods. Borysenko's textbook "Gas Dynamics of Engines", well known to specialists, is the basic one for specialists in engine design. Another textbook published in co-authorship with Tarapov, "Vector Analysis and the Beginning of Tensor Calculus," has survived six editions, including abroad.  

Recently, the department of aerospace thermal engineering has been able to ensure wide involvement of students in the implementation of research and development works carried out at the department. The work experience gained by students significantly increases their knowledge and skills and their value on the labor market.

Employees of the department and students participate in many student Olympiads and competitions. In particular: the student Polienko became the winner of the contest "Young Person of the Year - 2017" in the nomination "Scientific activity", as well as the winner of the competition - 2017/18 of the scholarship program "Zavtra.UA" of the Viktor Pinchuk Foundation, the student Pyatnytska became the winner of the competition " Young person of the year - 2017" in the nomination "Scientific activity", student Shevchuk became the winner of the district stage of the city competition "Young person of the year - 2018" in the nomination "activity in the field of production, entrepreneurship". The team formed by students of the department took 3rd place place at the 2nd stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the specialty "Energy Management" (2014/2015 academic year). 


Students Rogovy and Orlov participated in scientific research on space topics from the IV year. 2018 year


Turna instructs student Koval before conducting an energy audit. 2018 year

Scientific employees and teachers of the department have performed a huge amount of research work in the most diverse fields of science and technology, including:

- improvement of turbo machine design methods;

- increasing the cooling efficiency of electric machines;

- creation of electric generators for airplanes and space electric generators;

- research into the combustion process of hydrocarbon fuels;

- creation of heat-resistant coatings for combustion chambers of aircraft engines;

- heat exchange in mixer heat exchangers for nuclear jet engines;

- heat regeneration in gas turbine installations;

- cavitation in the fuel systems of jet engines and liquid rocket engines;

- physical modeling of turbocharging systems of piston engines;

- creation of wave pressure exchangers;

- numerical modeling of gas-dynamic processes in heat engines;

- research of supersonic flows in magneto-gasodynamic generators;

- liquid forcing of marine gas turbine engines;

- development of nuclear power plant safety systems;

- systems of deep cooling of cryogenic components of rocket fuel;

- modeling and synthesis of complex thermohydraulic systems;

- physical modeling of GTE oil systems;

- improvement of cycles of industrial HTU;

- ecologically clean energy;

- development of diagnostic tools for working environments;

- improvement of cold supply systems of industrial enterprises;

- design of industrial air conditioning systems and climate chambers;

- physical and mathematical modeling of heat removal systems of space vehicles.