History of the Department | ХАІ
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History of the Department of Aircraft Engine Design
of the Faculty of Aviation Engines
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The department was created in 1930, simultaneously with the establishment of the Kharkiv Aviation Institute under the name "Department of Aviation Engines".

It is necessary to mention outstanding pupils of the department:

Volodymyr Lotarev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, General Designer of ZMKB "Progress", Honored Scientist of the Ukrainian SSR;

Fyodor Muravchenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, General Designer of ZMKB "Progress", Hero of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine;

Valentin Glushenkov, doctor of technical sciences, chief designer of the Kaluga Motor-Building Plant.

When the Kharkiv Aviation Institute was founded, the head of the Department of Aviation Engines was Vasyl Tsvetkov, a professor and a well-known specialist in transport diesel engines. The theory, construction, and production of aircraft engines were the subjects of competence and content of the work of one department. Young engineers - students of Tsvetkov from internal combustion engines - Lednevsky, Snaginsky, Yakivtsiv, Miroshnychenko, Epshtein, Potapenko and Belichenko joined the group of enthusiasts who took the initiative to create the material and technical base of the department. The educational process suffered greatly due to the lack of a laboratory on aircraft engines. It was necessary to create it so that students of the motor specialty could conduct at least the simplest tests, as well as see and hear the operation of an aircraft engine.

Vasyl Tsvetkov, the first head of the department (1930-1941)

The development of research work at the department was hampered by the lack of a laboratory base, despite the theoretical knowledge and ardent desire of the department's employees.

M-11, the first aircraft engine of its own Soviet development, which entered the series

They started with the creation of a workshop, in which equipment for the laboratory was then manufactured. Soon, the first training stand of the M-6 water-cooled aircraft engine was ready. The engine was obtained without much difficulty from the Zaporizhzhia Motor Plant, where they were produced.

At the same time, the well-known, fail-safe M-11 was obtained. For him, it was possible to purchase a balancing machine and build a second training unit with an air-cooled engine.

Thus, the task of creating an educational laboratory in a minimal version was solved.

A stand in the form of a single-cylinder installation was needed to carry out research work, fuel and lubricant, compressed air, and electricity were needed. There was nothing. Having overcome many difficulties, such a stand was created, materials were found, and assembly of the components of the EL-1 experimental engine began.

The way to obtain a set of experimental data at the installation, using which it was possible to begin the development of a detailed project of a powerful aviation diesel engine, was also difficult.

In the mid-1930s, in the buildings of the Aviation Institute, which were being built in Pomirky, good educational and research laboratories were created for that time. The department got the opportunity to carry out design and research work. Under the leadership of Professor Tsvetkov, a two-stroke, high-speed aircraft engine was created that ran on heavy fuel. The teachers of the department took part in the work: Potapenko, Soifer, Belichenko, Lednevskii, Goldaev. Direct injection of gasoline into the engine was studied, Yakivtsiv and Timofeev worked on this problem. At the same time, Lozyno-Lozynskyi, Lyulka, etc. worked on the problem of creating an aviation steam turbine.

The attack of Hitler's Germany on the Soviet Union prevented the department from completing work on the creation of new aviation and power plants, but these works were continued and later found practical application. Already during the Great Patriotic War, direct gasoline injection was used on domestic aircraft engines. Work on a two-stroke, high-speed diesel became the basis for the creation of a tank engine.

"At our department, during theoretical and
design work on the creation
of an aviation steam turbine,
I formed the theoretical prerequisites
the creation of an aviation gas turbine engine"

Arkhip Lyulka, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, head of the OKB named after A.M. Lyulki,
teacher of the Department of Aircraft Engine Design (1933-1939)

As you know, even before the Great Patriotic War, the Lyulka aviation gas turbine engine was made of seventy percent metal, and it was assembled piece by piece, but the war prevented its development in aviation. The idea of creating an aviation gas turbine engine was implemented, and in the following years, a large number of domestic turbojet engines were created under the leadership of the general designer Lyulka.

On the basis of the scientific and research works carried out at the department, in the pre-war years, several theses were prepared and defended for obtaining scientific degrees of candidates of technical sciences. Theses were defended by Goldan, Soifer, Belichenko (1939), Podilskyi (1940).

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the institute was evacuated to Kazan. Until 1942, the department was headed by associate professor Oleksandr Soifer, and later, in connection with his departure to Kuibyshev to establish the Kuibyshev Aviation Institute, associate professor Isaak Belichenko became the head of the department.

After the return of the institute at the end of 1943 in Kharkiv, the department had to start all over again. The pre-war territory of the institute was destroyed. Three rooms were allocated to the department in the premises of the current radio technical school (18/20 Sumska St.). The staff of the department consisted of the head of the department, associate professor Belichenko, associate professor Goldayev, associate professor Podilskyi, senior lecturer Potapenko, and Radchenko, the future head of the non-existent laboratory.

In 1946, Fried, who defended his PhD thesis in 1954, entered the department for postgraduate studies.

Despite the extremely difficult conditions of the 1940s, a lot of work was done at the department to create an educational laboratory, establish scientific research work, revise educational programs, etc. During this period, on the initiative of Ivan Goldayev, the training of engineers in new aviation technology began: in the 1946/47 academic year, a course of lectures on the theory of air-jet engines was started, and in the 1947/48 academic year, on rocket engines.

Isaak Belichenko, head of the department (1942-1966)

Senior teacher Oleksandr Potapenko was the soul and organizer of research work at the department.

In 1948, the department was divided into the Department of Design and Strength of Aircraft Engines, headed by Belichenko, and the Department of Aircraft Engine Theory, headed by Goldaev.

With the transition of the department in 1949 to the rebuilt premises in Pomirki and the increase in the number of students, the teaching and research laboratories expanded, and the teaching staff of the department increased. In addition to Belichenko, Frid, Podilskyi, the following teachers worked at the department in different periods: Aslanov, Zaika, Borysevich, Volgov, Astafiev, Filakhtov, Kornilov, Matsukin, Sukhomlynov.

During this period, a large group of teachers and engineers under the leadership of Associate Professor Georgy Podilsky conducted theoretical, design and experimental research work on the creation of a free-piston gas generator for the Luhansk Locomotive Plant at the Department of Construction and Strength.

At the department, as well as in the country, at that time there was no electronic equipment for researching the working processes of a free-piston gas generator at the proper level. The talented engineer Lev Astafiev, an assistant at the department, organized and headed the section for the manufacture of unique sensors and control and measuring devices. Unfortunately, due to the untimely death (1957) of Podilskyi, the work on the free-piston gas generator stopped, and most of the participants moved to other departments and other institutes.

During almost the entire history, the department developed various types of engines. In 1959-61 under the leadership of Belichenko, a group of young specialists and several teachers of the department (Astafiev, Kormylov) carried out extensive work on the design of an impulse action engine for an impulse metal cutting machine (MIR-1) on the order of the future rector of the KhAI Kononenko.

In 1962, two small state-funded research laboratories were created at the department. One — from rotary-piston engines, the second — from the strength of parts and assemblies of aircraft engines.

The laboratory of rotary-piston engines included young specialists Tymoshenko, Dotsenko, Dyakovsky, Chermnykh, Bilokony, Nekhoroshev, assistant Kormylov, engineers Blyzniuk, Zerkaliy, Menshov, Polesky. Scientific management was carried out by Belichenko, head of the department.

A single-section carbureted rotary-piston engine for 50 hp was designed and built, and a stand was created for conducting research on working out engine components. In parallel, the 100 hp section was designed and manufactured. diesel version of the rotary-piston engine. Engineer Pershin carried out further experimental work on the mixture formation of a rotary-piston engine.

In 1959, a young engineer, a strength specialist, Simbirsky, came to the department. He began his work at the department under the leadership of Belichenko in the direction of finding scientific methods and instrumental means of measuring the temperature of the gas flow of gas turbine engines.

Oleksandr Fried, head of the department (1966-1976)

From 1966 to 1976, the head of the department was associate professor Oleksandr Frid, under his leadership, work was carried out on the creation of economical, small-sized combined engines for light single-seat, as well as remotely piloted aircraft. The design group included: Aslanov, Prykhodko, Bohdanov, Goltsov, Menshov.

During these years, under the leadership of Associate Professor Pelepeichenko, work was carried out on the creation of methods for measuring gas temperature in internal combustion engines. Simbirskyi, D'iakovskyi, Dotsenko, Volkov and others took part in scientific research that was closely related to industrial enterprises. Candidate theses of Simbirskyi, Dyakovskyi and Dotsenko were defended in this scientific direction.

In 1972, at the request of the general and chief designers of design bureaus, by order of the Ministry of Aviation Industry of the USSR, the department opened a branch laboratory of thermal strength, the head of which was appointed a senior researcher, Ph.D. Simbirskyi.

Senior researcher Grigoriev made a great contribution to the development of the laboratory. The head of the department, Oleksandr Frid, was an ardent supporter and head of design and development of new aircraft engines, actively supported the work of the thermal strength laboratory and its close scientific connection with aviation design bureaus.

In 1979, the staff of the thermal strength laboratory was 45 people. A special role in the development of the laboratory was played by: Anikin, Mashtylova, Oliynyk, Skrypka, Goltsov, But, Gusev, Volkov, Posikan, Pronenko and others.

The film means of measuring the temperature state of elements of gas turbine engines developed by the laboratory and the methods of studying their thermal stress state have found wide application in the country's leading design bureaus of aircraft engine construction, and first of all, in ZMKB "Progress".

The laboratory of thermal strength laid the theoretical foundations of a new promising scientific direction — diagnostics of the thermal state of structural elements of aircraft engines.

According to the scientific directions of the laboratory, under the leadership of Simbirskyi, PhD theses were defended by: Grigoriev, Goltsov, Oliynyk, Gusev, Epifanov, Skrypka, Guley, and Zavaliy.

In 1977, Simbirsky defended his doctoral thesis, and in 1978 he received the academic title of professor. According to the results of the work of the laboratory, the scientific supervisor Simbirskyi and the head of the laboratory Grigoriev were awarded the State Prize of the USSR.

The work of the laboratory was presented at the VDNG of the USSR and received high praise, the scientific director of the laboratory was awarded a gold medal, silver medals were awarded to Grigoriev, Anikin, and bronze to Gusev.

Five All-Union scientific and technical conferences have been held at the department since 1973, with the organizational participation of the thermal strength laboratory, with the participation of foreign specialists from 26 countries, which had a great scientific resonance among scientists of both educational and research institutes.

In the following years, professor Simbirskyi, associate professors Goltsov, Yepifanov, Gusev, senior lecturer Oliynyk and assistant Skrypka work in the laboratory.

The scientific and practical significance of the results of the work of the branch laboratory of thermal strength in the development of aircraft engine construction is widely known. These results are used in the educational process of the department. This period of the department's development is characterized by the widespread involvement of students in farm contract scientific works, which were later continued in NDRS and real special parts of course and diploma projects.

From 1977 to 1981, the department was headed by associate professor Ihor Petrovych Pelepeychenko, who from 1967 headed the work on measuring the temperature of the working body of piston and gas turbine engines. His theoretical developments and the subtle instrumental means of measurement he mastered made a certain contribution to the technique of researching the thermal processes of internal combustion engines. Since 1981, under the leadership of Assoc. Pelepeichenko, a group of teachers Shoshin, Khmelik, Kormylov carried out work on sensing the temperature of the gas flow of a special PRD, using a remote electric probe developed by Kormylov.

In 1983, work was carried out at the department under the leadership of Associate Professor Shoshin on the use of the gas flow of a gas turbine (TRD RU-19A300) for the disinfection of livestock premises. Associate professor Khmelik and senior lecturer Kormilov made a significant contribution to the development of the project to create GTU-KhАІ


Ihor Pelepeichenko, head of the department (1977-1981)

At the first stage of the development of the installation, students were involved in the work in the form of implementation of real course and diploma projectors.

The practice of operating the installation gave a high economic effect. The government commission highly appreciated the installation and recommended it for implementation in livestock complexes of the country. A copyright certificate has been issued for the installation.

In 2001, Professor Yepifanov was appointed head of the department. Young teachers Sukhova and Krykunov came to the department. In 2002, Filyaev, in 2003, Sukhova, and in 2004, Krykunov, under the scientific supervision of Simbirsky and Oliynyk, successfully defended their dissertations for obtaining the scientific degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. In 2005-2006, Filyaev and Krykunov went to work for General Electric, Associate Professor Chygrin moved to Rybinsk, where he became the head of the Department of Aviation Engines of the Rybinsk State Aviation and Technological Academy. In 2005, associate professor Bezugliy (previously a teacher of the Department of Rocket Engines of Kharkiv Institute of Applied Sciences), since 2006 associate professor Harkusha (previously a teacher of the Kharkiv Higher Military Aviation School), and since 2007, after graduating from Kharkiv Institute of Aviation, an assistant Martsenyuk Currently, the department continues work on diagnostics of the technical condition of gas turbine engines for various purposes on the order of enterprises of Ukraine, countries of the near abroad, as well as the company "Compressor Controls Corporation" (USA).

Serhii Yepifanov, head of the department (from 2001 to the present)

Graduate students Zelenskyi, Oliynyk and others are successfully working in the scientific field under consideration. Under the leadership of Professor Simbirskyi and Associate Professor Oliynyk, work is being carried out on the study of strength reliability and assessment of the exhaustion of the resource of aviation GTEs based on the simulation of the thermal stress state of their nodes and parts. In this direction, in 2006, Oliynyk defended his doctoral thesis, and under his supervision, Shymanovska, a graduate of the department, prepared a candidate's thesis for defense.

Since 1996, the department has been the main organizer of the "International Congress of Engine Builders". Engineers and scientists, young specialists and graduate students from 12 countries, including the USA, Germany, and France, participate in the Congress every year.

In the 2000s, the teaching staff of the department consisted of the head of the department, professor Yepifanov, professors Gusev, Bilogub, Chygrin, associate professors Bezugli, Harkusha, Sukhovii, Zelensky, senior lecturer Martsenyuk, assistant Brunak. Professors Loginov (PJSC "FED") and Goltsov work as part-time professors. The branch of the department at SE "Ivchenko-Progress" is headed by the General Designer, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Muravchenko. At the first stage of the development of the installation, students were involved in the work in the form of implementation of real course and diploma projectors. The practice of operating the installation gave a high economic effect. The government commission highly appreciated the installation and recommended it for implementation in livestock complexes of the country. A copyright certificate has been issued for the installation.

The composition of the department in 2005

In addition to the general improvement of the educational process, in recent years significant measures have been introduced regarding the education of foreign citizens. Professor Yepifanov trained Masters from Mexico, teaching blade engine theory, jet engine theory, engine dynamics and strength, engine design, automatic engine control systems and engine diagnostics in English. Later, assistant professors Sukhovi, Bezugliy and assistant Zelenskyi were involved in teaching in English. In 2007, the teachers of the department prepared and successfully implemented a three-month training program for improving the qualifications of specialists of the AVIC-II firm (People's Republic of China) on the topic "Resource and reliability of aircraft engines", in which the enterprises of SE "Ivchenko-Progress" and OJSC also participated "Motor Sich". The department has unique classrooms-museums of gas turbine and piston aircraft engines and their units, laboratory stands, a class of modern personal computers. Over the past 30 years, the department's employees have published more than 700 scientific works, 5 monographs, about a hundred teaching aids, and 12 collections of scientific works have been published. The high qualification and experience of teachers in combination with numerous models and training manuals, as well as constant scientific contacts with leading enterprises of Ukraine and abroad provide the opportunity to train highly qualified specialists in the specialty "Aviation and rocket and space engineering" under the educational program "Aviation engines and power plants".

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