History of the Faculty of Software Engineering and Business | ХАІ
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HomeEducationFaculties and departmentsFaculty of Software Engineering and BusinessHistory of the Faculty of Software Engineering and Business

History of the Faculty
of Software Engineering and Business
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

March 20, 1991

The Faculty of Engineering and Management was established at the Kharkiv Aviation Institute on March 20, 1991, which included five departments: economics, management, informatics and software, economic theory, and foreign languages. Training is conducted in two specialties: "Software support of computing equipment and automated systems" and "Economics and management in mechanical engineering".

June 1992

In June 1992, the department of "Economic Cybernetics" (No. 606), later the department of "Economic-Mathematical Modeling" (No. 605) was organized.

June 1996

The first graduation of specialists at the faculty.

April 1998

In order to expand the training of specialists in the economic profile, the department of finance and audit was created at the faculty. The department provides training in two specialties: "Finance and Credit" and "Accounting and Audit".

April 1999

The department of management was renamed to the department of management, which is the graduation from the training of specialists and masters in the specialties "Management of organizations and administration", "Logistics", "Management of foreign economic activities", "Management of the tourism industry", "Project management", "Management of international projects" .

February 2000

The Department of Informatics and Software has received a new name. Now the department of software of computer systems has started graduation in the specialty "Software of automated systems".

September 2001

At the general meeting of students of the faculty, a decision was made to create a student council (student self-government). Later, the student council reorganized and received the name "Professional Bureau of Faculty Students", which is engaged in providing assistance to students, as well as organizing student leisure.

September 2002

The Faculty organized the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Information Technologies in the Economy and Management of Enterprises, Programs and Projects." Later, the conference became a tradition of the faculty and is held annually.

March 2006

The annual tournament for entrants "Economy. Management. Information Technology. Aviation and cosmonautics". More than 50 students from Kharkiv schools take part in the tournament every year.

April 2006

The faculty participates in the implementation of the TEMPUS joint European project "University-industrial centers: a model for cooperation". Creation and start of work of the Khai Career Center.

May 2007

The event "Job Fair" was held for the first time, at which more than 20 employers and about 150 vacancies for students were presented. Now this event has reached the general university level and is held several times a year.

June 2007

The Department of Economics and Marketing was established, and graduation is being carried out in the following specialties: "Enterprise Economics" and "Marketing".

The Department of Computer Systems Software was reorganized into the Department of Software Engineering. Preparation for the new educational direction "Software Engineering" has begun, which includes two specialties: "Software Engineering" and "Systems Software".

Creation of the department of economic theory, which conducts training on theoretical issues in the field of economics for bachelors, specialists and masters.

January 2008

The Department of Economics and Marketing has opened a new bachelor's specialty "International Economics".

March 2011

20 years of the faculty. Over the years, more than 6,000 specialists have been trained who work in leading organizations of Ukraine and more than 20 foreign countries. The faculty employs 139 teachers, including 11 professors and 75 associate professors. The educational process is provided by the educational support staff of 54 employees.

June 2015

The Faculty of Economics and Management took first place in the ranking among all faculties of the University.

March 2016

25th anniversary of the Faculty of Economics and Management. At the faculty, bachelors are trained in 7 areas. The faculty employs 114 teachers and 40 teaching and support staff.

January 2018

On January 24, the Academic Council of KhAI voted to change the name of the faculty from "Economics and Management" to the "Software Engineering and Business" faculty. This decision reflects the real state of affairs in the field of educational services.

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