History of the Department | ХАІ
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History of the Department of Economics, Marketing
and International Economic Relations
of the Faculty of Software Engineering and Business
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The Department of Economics, Marketing and International Economic Relations is an educational unit of the Faculty of Software Engineering and Business, which trains specialists in the field of economics, marketing and international economic relations.

In 1992, the Department of Economic Cybernetics was founded, which was headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Valeriy Kozhukhov.

Valeriy Kozhukhov

Initially, it was created as a general education department for training students in two majors: "Software for computing and automated systems" and "Economics and management in mechanical engineering". Conceptual and methodical approaches to teaching disciplines were developed at the department. Education moved from programming and technological levels to a more general level of informatics as a whole, courses in economic informatics were formed and developed. The economic potential of the Internet was seriously evaluated. In this way, the economic and mathematical component of the educational process was implemented. In 1998, the department received a new name - the Department of Economic and Mathematical Modeling. During this period, the main direction of her scientific activity was the research of conditions and methods of effective application of information systems, which resulted in the defense of dissertations by Volyak, Myroshnychenko and Filipkovska. The staff of the department provided economic and mathematical training of students of engineering specialties of the university faculties, paying special attention to information technologies in economic processes.

In 2004, the department was licensed and acquired the status of graduation in the specialty "Commercial activity".

From July 2006 to December 2015, the department was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Vasyl Vartanyan.

Vasyl Vartanyan

The change in the concept of training specialists in the field of economics and entrepreneurship since 2006 was organically connected with the development of information technologies and systems. So, in 2007, significant structural changes took place at the faculty, and the Department of Economic and Mathematical Modeling became a graduation department in two specialties: "Enterprise Economics" and "Marketing". In 2008, it was renamed the Department of Economics and Marketing.

The increase in the number of students studying in the field of "Economics and Entrepreneurship" necessitated their training in the "International Economy" specialty. At the beginning of 2008, there was a need to hire teachers with practical skills in the field of economics and entrepreneurship to conduct the educational process. Business representatives and teachers of the Department of Economics start working at the department.

In 2008, the department received a license to train bachelors in the specialty "International Economics" and concentrated its efforts on improving the methodological support of the educational process.

In 2015, two doctors of economic sciences - Doronin and Davydova - were invited to the department.

During 2016–2018, the department was headed by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Andriy Doronin, who is a well-known specialist in the field of scientific research on the intellectualization of the capital of a production organization, management of organizational behavior, management culture and activity of the personnel of a production organization, manages the research work of graduate students and applicants. Based on the results of scientific research, he published more than 80 scientific-pedagogical and methodical works, the results of which were used during the implementation of 10 scientific topics.

Andriy Doronin

Since March 2019, the department has been headed by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Iryna Davydova.

Iryna Davydov

A scientific school operates under her leadership, the main areas of activity of which are identifying and solving problems of increasing the competitiveness of the workforce, its professional training and qualification for the development of the intellectual capital of society and economic entities, regional development in the field of social and labor relations. The results of the work of the scientific school are reflected in 126 publications. The representatives of the school take an active part in the development of scientific and research topics on the order of the state.

In 2019, the department began recruiting students for the first (bachelor) level of higher education training students under the new educational program "International Tourism Business". Today, the Department of Economics and Marketing is graduating in the specialties "Economics", "Marketing", "International Economic Relations".

Due to the high pedagogical and scientific level of the teaching staff of the department, among whom there are graduates of the Faculty of Economics and Management, the necessary quality of the educational process is ensured. The department conducts work on improving the educational process in the context of Ukraine's integration into the European educational space.

In the "Economics" specialty, students study the following educational programs: "Enterprise Economics" (bachelor's level) - focused on the training of qualified specialists for enterprises in various fields of activity, which participate in making management decisions that require economic substantiation and evaluation of efficiency, as well as plan to create their own business; "Economics of the enterprise (master's level) - aimed at training qualified specialists for enterprises of various industries and spheres of activity, capable of managing economic services and divisions of organizations of various forms of ownership, as well as developing strategies for the behavior of economic agents in various markets; "World Economy" (master's level) is aimed at training qualified future managers and employees of departments of various levels of state and commercial structures that conduct foreign economic activity, analysts and experts in the field of international markets, foreign economic activity and regulation of foreign economic relations.

The training of students in the specialty "Marketing" is carried out under two educational programs: "Marketing" (bachelor's level) - focused on the training of modern marketers who are able to conduct marketing research, study the situation and forecast the market, promote products and the company, create and manage brands , as well as solve other tasks of marketing activities of business entities; "Marketing" (master's level) is aimed at training modern specialists for business, as well as managers of middle and upper echelons in the enterprise management system, strategic and operational marketing planning, product, price, communication policy. The work of a marketer is very multifaceted and interesting, because in addition to painstaking work related to marketing research, he gets a lot of adrenaline and many opportunities to show his creative abilities.

With the specialty "International Economic Relations", students study the following educational programs: "International Economics" (bachelor's level), which is focused on the training of modern qualified specialists for various organizations working in the field of international trade, carrying out financial operations, scientific and technical activities, are investors or intermediaries in the foreign market; "International tourism business" (bachelor's level), which is aimed at training specialists capable of solving the tasks of preparation, organization, development and implementation of tourist products, tourist services, tourist services, their information and marketing support, as well as managing the quality and competitiveness of tourist services.

The staff of the Department of Economics and Marketing, 2019

In the future, the staff of the department plans to engage in the development of innovative forms and methods of learning and teaching that meet the requirements of a student-centered approach, international cooperation in the field of education, scientific research and student internships.

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