Scientific Activity of the Department | ХАІ
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Scientific activity
of the Department of Economics, Marketing
and International Economic Relations
of the Faculty of Software Engineering and Business
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Teachers of the department participate in international scientific and practical conferences. Scientific and methodical developments of employees are regularly published in various printed publications.

Students also submit their scientific research in the form of theses and articles (on average about 100 papers per year).

Since 2006, employees of the department have been participating in the organization of the tournament for schoolchildren "Economics. Management. Information Technologies".

Since 2016, the training of highly qualified scientific personnel in the specialty "Economics" has been carried out in the permanent graduate school, which is the only one in the faculty in the field of economics.

At the Department of Economics and Marketing under the leadership of Dr. Tech. Sciences, Prof. Vartanyan, the scientific school "Modeling and forecasting of financial and economic indicators of knowledge-intensive production" was formed, which operated during 2006-2015.

Scientific areas of school research:

- forecasting trends and indicators of the development of economic systems and processes;

- mathematical models and methods of forming balance sheets for different levels of economic management.

The topic "Forecasting financial and economic indicators of knowledge-intensive production, taking into account associated risks" (2011-2012) was studied. The purpose of the work: increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the management of production processes in the manufacture of aerospace equipment.

The topics were also performed:

"Models and methods of forming effective organizational management systems of a machine-building enterprise" (2012-2013) - contract with the State joint-stock holding company "Artem";

"Modeling the economic security of the stability of enterprises of the machine-building complex of Ukraine in conditions of parametric uncertainty" (2012-2013) - a cooperation agreement with the State Enterprise "Kharkiv Research Institute of Machine-Building Technology".

The main scientific achievements of the school consist in the solution of such scientific problems and tasks as the interval predictive model of exponential smoothing, the method of complex identification and forecasting of the components of dynamic processes with interval uncertainty, the procedure for obtaining the initial dynamic series with interval uncertain data, applied information technology for supporting the adoption of rational management decisions knowledge-intensive production taking into account associated risks, mathematical models of financial planning at a knowledge-intensive production enterprise, situational scenarios and algorithms of financial planning at a knowledge-intensive production enterprise, programs for calculating planned financial indicators, forecast financial reports of the enterprise according to situational scenarios. All the mentioned scientific developments are original, correspond to the world level and have no analogues among the developments of existing theoretical and practical achievements in the field of economic knowledge.

According to the results of the research, a diploma was received for the victory in the International competition "Promising transport aircraft of the 21st century" of the Volga-Dnepr group of companies in the nomination "Trends and forecasts of the world market of cargo air transportation (marketing research)", the name of the project is "Economic and mathematical models and methods forecasting indicators of air transport systems by time series using the technology of intellectual analysis of various types of data".

Within the scope of the scientific school, under the leadership of Vartanyan, dissertations were prepared and defended in the specialties "Information technologies", "Mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economics", "Economics and enterprise management" Uzun, Kononenko, Golovanova, Petryk, A.V. Artyomova, Revenko, Kashcheeva, Skachkov, Turko, Lyba.

The teachers of the department annually participate in round table meetings and scientific and methodical seminars, where they discuss problematic issues, gain experience and improve their qualifications:

- round table "Regional representation of the Industrial Gender Committee on Advertising in the Kharkiv region. Public control and self-regulation in the advertising industry", Kharkiv, 2014. The concept of the work of the gender committee was developed to prevent the spread of discriminatory practices in the field of advertising in Ukraine;

- the round table "Implementation of the system of dual education in Ukraine", held together with the All-Ukrainian public organization "Ukrainian Marketing Association" within the scope of the project "Improving the education system for the sake of better competitiveness of young people in the labor market" of the VGO "UAM" in partnership with the representative office of the Political Foundation of Germany named after Friedrich Ebert in Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2015. The issues related to the peculiarities of higher and professional education systems in Ukraine, the accumulated experience, advantages, opportunities and prospects of the introduction of the dual education system in Ukraine were discussed;

- scientific-methodical seminar for marketing research teachers "Research and the Internet", All-Ukrainian public organization "Ukrainian Marketing Association", Kyiv, KNEU, 2016. Issues related to the Internet as a field of research were discussed: new methods, research on consumer behavior in the network and in social networks, the study of a person's virtual profile and his behavior in the network. A review of ready-made software solutions for online research was carried out;

- round table "Problems and prospects of the formation and development of intellectual capital for the economy of Ukraine", National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", 2017. During the meeting, an analysis of the formation of intellectual capital was carried out, as well as proposals and recommendations were developed for its development and the most complete use in the economy of Ukraine;

- round table "Modern determinants of the development of business education of Ukraine", National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", 2017. Based on the results of the discussions, the participants reached the following main conclusions: the state needs to consider universities as centers of future economic development; higher educational institutions should move to a business model of functioning, position themselves as a service institution, the consumers of whose services are not only students, but also employers; companies need to clearly formulate orders to higher educational institutions regarding the structure and qualification level of specialists, directly influence the quality of their training by involving them in the development of basic educational documents (standards, regulatory programs, curricula, etc.).

At the moment, the following research works are being carried out at the department:

"Economic activity of the enterprise in conditions of economic turbulence" (2018–2020) under the leadership of prof. Doronin, where new approaches and ways of improving the economic activity of domestic enterprises are offered, taking into account the main factors of increasing the risk of doing business in conditions of global economic turbulence;

"Modelling of diagnostics and management of the characteristics of socio-economic systems" (2018–2020) under the leadership of prof. Davydova, the purpose of which is to develop a complex of models and methods of diagnosis and management of the characteristics of socio-economic systems of various levels and scales. It is planned to develop methods of diagnosing the stability of the economic growth of the economy of Ukraine, stochastic methods of studying the influence of external environmental factors on the socio-economic system, methods of diagnosing the structural stability of socio-economic systems of different levels, as well as information technology for studying the stability of the enterprise to external and internal economic changes.

Based on the scientific achievements of teachers and students of the department, an annual international scientific and practical Internet conference of students and young scientists from Ukraine and foreign countries is held (Kharkiv - Przeworsk (Poland)).

Students of the department take an active part in international, all-Ukrainian and regional competitions ("Golden Compass", "We are for Ukrainian products!", LoNG (Look of New Generation), etc.), all-Ukrainian olympiads and contests of diploma and scientific works in the specialties "Economics of the enterprise", "Marketing", "International economy" and the branches "Economics and management in the sphere of trade", "Agrarian marketing", contests of the Zavtra.UA scholarship program; engage in scientific research on the subject of the department and win prizes; participate in the work of the scientific group "Digital Marketing"; together with teachers, they celebrate student and professional holidays - World Tourism Day, Marketer's Day, Economist's Day.

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