History of the Department | ХАІ
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History of the Department of Management
of the Faculty of Software Engineering and Business
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The history of the Department of Management begins with its establishment in 1930. department of technology and organization of production. In 1991, two new departments were created for the purpose of training engineering and managerial professionals: economics and production management (now - management). The first recruitment of students for the specialty "Economics and Management in Mechanical Engineering" took place in August 1991.

In 1999, the department of production management was renamed to the department of management, which became the graduation department in the specialty "Management in the production sphere". The department prepared and graduated specialists in the specialties "Economics and management in mechanical engineering", "Organization management", "Project management", "Logistics" and "Management of foreign economic activity".

For many years, the department has been offering full-time and extramural forms of education in the "Management" specialty. The department is a member of the Ukrainian Association of Business Management Education.

The department has many years of experience in the training of personnel in the "Management" specialty, scientific and methodical developments, established connections with enterprises, bases of practices.

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