Contacts | ХАІ
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Contacts of the Faculty
of Software Engineering and Business
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"


National Aerospace University, impulse building, st. Chkalova, 17, 61070, Kharkiv, Ukraine.


by tram No. 12, 22 to the "Lisopark" stop;

by trolleybuses No. 2, 12; by buses No. 17, 271, 263, 135, 240, 247, 202, 65, 287, 302, 301, 55 to the "aviation institute" stop.

All buildings of KhAI are located on the same protected territory.


Selection committee of faculty No. 6: +38 (057) 788-4860;

Dean's office: auditorium 206, tel. (057) 788 46 00;

Department 601: auditorium 403, tel. (057) 788 46 01;

Department 602: auditorium 405, tel. (057) 788 46 02;

Department 603: auditorium 514, tel. (057) 788 46 03;

Department 604: auditorium 505, tel. (057) 788 46 04;

Department 605: auditorium 203, tel. (057) 788 46 05.

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