Faculty of Aircraft Management Systems | ХАІ
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HomeEducationFaculties and departmentsFaculty of Aircraft Management Systems

Faculty of Aircraft Management Systems
of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"


The activity of the faculty of aircraft control systems has the main goal: the training of personnel in a wide range of specialties that meet the modern requirements of the specialized labor market.

As of 2020, the faculty includes 5 graduating departments and 4 branch departments at specialized enterprises.

The training of bachelors, specialists, masters, postgraduates and doctoral students is carried out by a teaching staff of 95 teachers, and approximately 1,000 students, including foreigners with English-language education, study at the faculty's 14 educational programs. Material and technical support includes 15 computer classrooms and more than 20 educational laboratories.

The teaching staff of the third faculty spends maximum efforts to provide future graduates with modern theoretical knowledge and practical skills, to train specialists with a high level of competitiveness in the labor market. According to the data for the last 10 years, graduates of the faculty successfully work in the USA, Germany, China, Canada, Israel, Poland, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, the Russian Federation, etc. and hold responsible positions in such world-famous companies as Google, Amazon, Samsung Electronics, Philip Morris International, DORMA, Global Logic, etc.

Faculty students take an active part in the international academic mobility programs of ERASMUS MUNDUS, DAAD, UBC, the study program of the Chinese Beihang University, which provide the opportunity to simultaneously study in Ukraine and abroad under the "double degree" system or further study at a master's or postgraduate level.

Among our talented youth are those who receive academic scholarships from the President, the Verkhovna Rada and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Kuchma Foundation, etc. In addition, the faculty of aircraft control systems does not forget about students' free time and provides an opportunity to go through the school of organizational work, develop leadership qualities, stimulate participation in various holidays, celebrations, sports competitions and the organization of student self-government.

If you choose a specialty for obtaining a bachelor's or master's degree from the list of specialties of the faculty, you will have a real opportunity to acquire a fundamental higher education, the ability to work and quickly solve complex tasks, as well as the ability to use your free time from studying. This will provide you with the necessary conditions for further realization in life.

The faculty was founded on March 23, 1977, currently the teaching staff consists of 96 employees who conduct study pairs in 132 groups of students in 41 classrooms.

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