History of the Department | ХАІ
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History of the Department of Intelligent Measuring
Systems and Quality Engineering
of the Faculty of Aircraft Management Systems
National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Department 303 was founded on December 21, 1951 and, at that time, it was part of the faculty of the Civil Air Fleet.

Until 1962, it had the name "Department of Technical Operation of Electro-Radio Equipment of the Aircraft".

From 1962 to 1967, the department had the name "Department of Technical Operation of Aircraft Electrical Equipment and Aviation Instruments".

In 1967, the department was renamed the "Department of Aircraft Instruments".

In 2000, the department was renamed the "Department of Aviation Instruments and Measurements".

Since 2018, the department has been named "Department of Intelligent Measuring Systems and Quality Engineering", which more fully reveals the modern directions of training students of the department.

Currently, student training is carried out, in accordance with the license for the right to study, in the following specialties:

152 "Metrology and information and measurement technology",

153 "Micro- and nanosystem technology"

Active research work is carried out at the department, the main directions of which are as follows:

- development and research of modern information and measurement systems and devices;

- methods and devices for measuring the moisture content of materials and the quality of oil products;

- methods and devices for increasing measurement accuracy in dynamic mode.

The department constantly expands the range of research works and establishes relations with foreign organizations.

The teaching staff of the department consists of 3 professors, a laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine, 12 associate professors, 3 senior teachers and 2 assistants. Of which 2 are Doctors of Science.

The department has a computer class, 7 laboratories and branches of the department at the state enterprise.

The department has extensive experience in training specialists in instrument engineering, designing measuring and computing complexes, information and measuring systems and their metrological support.

During the existence of the department, more than 3,000 highly qualified specialists were trained.

Graduates of the department are constantly in demand at enterprises in Ukraine and abroad.

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