Scientific Activity of the Department | ХАІ
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Scientific Activity
of the Department of Intelligent Measuring
Systems and Quality Engineering
of the Faculty of Aircraft Management Systems
National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Direction of scientific research:

- automation of technological processes of applying galvanic coatings;

- development and research of non-contact meters and adders of direct currents;

- research and development of devices for measuring the moisture content of bulk materials;

- computer systems for diagnostics of vehicles;

- development and research of microprocessor devices and systems;

- development and research of accurate high-frequency fuel meters;

- development of test stands and metrological support;

- development of microprocessor control systems;

- development of a fuel quantity measurement system.

Employees of the department participate in scientific and technical conferences, symposia, regularly publish articles in leading domestic and foreign magazines, publish monographs.

Cooperation with scientific organizations of the CIS countries, the USA, and Bulgaria is underway. Many publications are co-authored by students.

Author's certificates and patents were obtained for many developments, including 15 patents of Ukraine.

The best inventors of the department:

Dergachev V.A. - 60 copyright certificates, 2 patents, laureate of the international exhibition "EXPO-85" in Bulgaria;

Koshevy N.D. - 23 copyright certificates and 10 patents;

Savuliev A.S. - 11 author's certificates, 5 patents, awarded with the "Inventor of the USSR" badge.

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