Department of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies | ХАІ
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HomeEducationFaculties and departmentsFaculty of Aircraft Management SystemsDepartmentsDepartment of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies

Department of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies
of the Faculty of Aircraft Management Systems
National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The department trains specialists in two specialties: "122. Computer science" (educational program - computerization of information processing and management) and 126 "Information systems and technologies" (educational program - distributed information systems). The training of bachelors and masters is carried out by an experienced teaching staff (24 full-time teachers, including 3 doctors and 18 candidates of technical sciences). Winners are regular participants of scientific international conferences, IT competitions and Olympiads.

Two student scientific and technical circles operate on the basis of the department:

- laboratory "Virtual and augmented reality". Collectors work with technologies of augmented and virtual reality AR / VR. Among the developments: an augmented reality application for studying a university course in physics, a 3D guide to the department (a 3D model of the premises and interior with the maximum similarity to the original), an information technology quest in game form for applicants, an augmented reality application for Open Door Days, etc. . As part of the technical circle, the department conducts master classes for schoolchildren "Augmented reality Vuforia AR and Unity 3D: a little magic." This workshop is intended for those who want to learn how to work with AR / VR.

- "Internet of Things - IoT" laboratory. Applicants are involved in real developments related to industrial automation technologies, Industry 4.0, Internet of Things (IoT). Graduates of the department are given the opportunity to work with modern technologies and equipment for building distributed wireless networks (GSM / GPRS, LoRa, etc.). They have the opportunity to learn what the Internet of Things is, how such devices work and how to build their network; get basic knowledge of electronics, learn how to work correctly with sensors and loads; start programming in a C-like language designed specifically for IoT devices; will learn to develop projects in the field of IoT independently on the basis of an open electronic platform for rapid prototyping of Arduino, single-board computers Raspberry Pi, etc.

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