History of the Department | ХАІ
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History of the Department of Computer Sciences
and Information Technologies
of the Faculty of Aircraft Management Systems
National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The Department of "Computer Sciences and Information Technologies" (until 2018 the Department of "Information Management Systems", the original name was "Automated Management Systems") was created in 1974 in connection with the need to train specialists in information management systems in various branches of the national economy From 1974 to 1996, the department was headed by a well-known scientist, doctor of technical sciences, academician of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine, professor Eduard Lysenko. Under his leadership, a scientific school was formed and the stage of the formation of the department was completed.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Academy

of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine, ProfessorEduard Lysenko


In 1977, the department became part of the Faculty of Aircraft Control Systems. The department was entrusted with the training of engineering personnel in specialty 0646 "Automated control systems".

Also, the department started training specialists in the specialty 7.08041 "Computerized systems of information processing and management" and 2202 "Automated systems of information processing and management".

In 1988, the department started training specialists in specialty 7.080401 "Information management systems and technologies".

From 1996 to the present, the department is managed by a student of the scientific school E.V. Lysenko, doctor of technical sciences, professor, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine Oleg Fedorovych. All his work, teaching and scientific activities are connected with Khai. Manages the scientific directions of the department. Has more than 300 scientific works, including 12 monographs. Trained more than 20 candidates and 5 doctors of science. A well-known scientist in the field of creation and modeling of complex distributed information management systems using modern information technologies. He is an expert of the State Accreditation Commission of Ukraine of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in computer sciences and information technologies and a member of specialized academic councils for the defense of doctoral and candidate theses in the field of "Information Technologies".

doctor of technical sciences, professor, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology,

Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of UkraineOleg Fedorovych


In 2001, the department "Automated control systems" received a new name - the department "Information management systems".

In 2015, the department continued the training of specialists in specialty 122 "Computer science".

In 2017, the department started training specialists in specialty 126 "Information systems and technologies".

In 2019, the department "Information Management Systems" received a new name - the department "Computer Sciences and Information Technologies"

The Department of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies is constantly improving the curricula for the training of bachelors and masters in specialty 122 "Computer Sciences and Information Technologies". In the last 5 years, 5 new disciplines related to cyber security, web technologies, intelligent management systems, distributed information systems, multidimensional databases and information stores, knowledge-oriented decision-making systems, logistics management, IT projects have been introduced. 22 training manuals have been issued, 5 of them with the seal of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine. Bachelor's studies are carried out in two forms: normative and shortened for graduates of technical schools and colleges. Currently, more than 300 students study at the department. Prepared disciplines for teaching students in English. Additional classes are held at the department with junior year students for their adaptation to the process of study by specialty.

The department has created a large network of pre-university training for graduates of technical schools and colleges (Kremenchuk, Poltava, Zhytomyr, Kryvyi Rih, Svitlovodsk, Chernihiv, etc.).

Students constantly participate in Olympiads, national and international competitions: "Aviator", "Golden Byte", KHARKIV IT, InterSystems Student Innovator Awards, etc. Several dozen students won prizes and received international diplomas.

The department has almost 100% high-quality teachers (all teachers have the scientific degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences, the ranks of associate professors and professors).

The scientific school of the department is constantly developing and is connected with the creation of distributed intellectual information management systems in production and business.

Over the past 5 years, the department has completed 3 state budget topics and one economic one. 6 candidate theses were defended, 7 monographs were published, more than 100 articles in publications included in scientometric databases. The results of scientific research are implemented in enterprises and IT companies.

The department's scientific and technical ties with well-known IT companies (Telesens, SIGMA Software, DATA GROUP, Epam, etc.), leading research centers of Ukraine, as well as with foreign firms (Germany, Poland, Israel, Mexico) are expanding and strengthening , USA, etc.) on the development of modern information technologies and management systems.

The department participates in international grants and projects for the creation of distributed information technologies, multidimensional databases and cloud information storage (InterSystems, Intel (USA), etc.).

The department constantly participates in international competitions, both in Ukraine and abroad. The department participates in international conferences and symposia.

Young scientists and teachers speak at international conferences abroad and undergo internships in well-known scientific centers (USA, China, Poland, etc.). The department prepared and implemented many applied scientific developments in the field of management of distributed production and business processes.

The department is proud of its graduates who have made careers thanks to the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during their studies at Khai Khai. Most of the graduates work in the field of IT business in the following well-known domestic and foreign companies: DATA GROUP, SIGMA Software, EPAM, TELESENS, Nix Solutions, Global Logic Ukraine, etc., with which the department cooperates in the framework of joint educational projects. Many of the graduates became top managers and leaders (V. A. Beck — chairman of the IT committee of the European Business Association, chairman of the board of directors of SIGMA Software GROUP; A. V. Kalmykov — commercial director of TELESENS; A. V. Kotlyarov — chief NDIRV engineer; V.P. Krasovsky — general director of SIGMA Ukraine; V. I. Moskovets — head of the information protection department of the NBU; I. V. Biletsky — director of the multidisciplinary company TEHEKS-BUD; V. K. Giris — head of the AVAL bank department " etc.).

Many graduates work as teachers and heads of departments in universities of Ukraine, as well as in production enterprises and organizations (Hartron, Komunar, NDTIP, etc.).

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