Department of Mathematical Modeling and Artificial Intelligence | ХАІ
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HomeEducationFaculties and departmentsFaculty of Aircraft Management SystemsDepartmentsDepartment of Mathematical Modeling and Artificial Intelligence

Department of Mathematical Modeling
and Artificial Intelligence
of the Faculty of Aircraft Management Systems
National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

The Department of Mathematical Modeling and Artificial Intelligence was founded in 1968 as a center for training the intellectual elite in the field of aerospace engineering to ensure strategic priority in space exploration. Currently, the department prepares bachelor's and master's degrees in the specialties "122. Computer Science", "113 Applied Mathematics", and its graduates are successfully employed in the world's leading companies. Every year, the department holds the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in the discipline "Informatics" and the international scientific and practical conference of IT professionals and analysts of computer systems "ProfIT Conference". Students are regular participants and winners of scientific development competitions, IT competitions, Olympiads and hackathons. Among the teaching staff of the department are 6 doctors of science. Scientific achievements of the department are world-famous and widely known in the world scientific community.

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