Educational and laboratory base | ХАІ
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Educational and laboratory base
of the Aircraft Management Systems Department
of the Faculty of Aircraft Management Systems
National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Laboratory of avionics (auditorium 427 of the radio campus)

The laboratory provides practical classes and laboratory work in disciplines related to the basics of collecting, transmitting and processing information based on systems for measuring angular and linear movements of control objects, changes in their angular velocity and linear accelerations; information processing using a PC and conducting experimental studies of the characteristics of control and automation elements and systems.





Laboratory of digital control complexes, computer class (auditorium 425 of the radio campus)

The laboratory provides practical classes and laboratory work in disciplines related to the study of the structure and programming of microprocessor devices, in particular, single-chip microcontrollers, their use for the construction of digital control systems for various objects, the principles of construction and operation of multi-level digital control complexes.





Vehicle navigation laboratory, computer class (auditorium 511 of the radio campus)

The laboratory provides practical classes and laboratory work in disciplines related to the development and modeling of navigation systems, hardware support of computer navigation systems, development of algorithms and software for vehicle navigation systems.




Laboratory of microprocessor devices, computer class (auditorium 415 of the radio campus)

The laboratory provides practical classes and laboratory work in disciplines related to the study of the principles of debugging programs using microcontroller tools, data processing by microprocessor systems, analog-to-digital signal conversion, modes of operation and methods of programming timers, modes of operation of an array of programmable counters, system design management.




Aircraft modeling laboratory (auditorium 401 of the radio campus)

The laboratory provides physical, semi-natural, analytical (mathematical) modeling of the processes of functioning of objects, systems and their aggregates in the process of designing devices and control systems. In the laboratory, there is a circle for the design of small-sized UAVs and their automatic flight control systems.





Information technology design laboratory, computer class (auditorium 428 of the radio campus)

The laboratory provides practical classes and laboratory work, the implementation of course and diploma projects of bachelors, specialists and masters, research works of students, postgraduates and doctoral students in disciplines related to the use of computer equipment, modern information technologies, software design tools and research of devices and control systems.


Laboratory of executive devices (auditorium 402 of the radio campus)

The laboratory of executive devices and servo drives provides laboratory work and practical classes related to the study of the design, principle of operation and control of servo drives and steering machines of various types (electromechanical, electrohydraulic and electropneumatic). Experimental studies include semi-realistic modeling of aircraft flight dynamics, algorithms for the functioning of automatic control systems with real steering machines, obtaining mathematical models of steering machines and servo drives.



Laboratory of elements of control systems (auditorium 518 of the radio campus)

The laboratory is equipped with equipment and stands for conducting experimental studies: static and dynamic characteristics of elements of automatic control systems (sensors, amplifiers, electronic modulators and demodulators, analog-digital and digital-analog converters); gyroscopic sensors and devices of inertial control systems of aerospace engineering objects (free gyroscope, angular velocity sensor, gyroverticals); characteristics of the KS-6 course system and the principle of its integration.


Control Systems Design Laboratory (auditorium 430 of the radio campus)

The laboratory provides practical classes and laboratory work, course and diploma projects of bachelors, specialists and masters, research works of students, postgraduates and doctoral students in disciplines related to analog and digital, full-scale, semi-full-scale and computer modeling of automatic control systems.



Laboratory of automatic control (audience 520 of the radio campus)

The laboratory provides practical classes and laboratory work, the implementation of course and diploma projects of bachelors, specialists and masters, research works of students, postgraduates and doctoral students in disciplines related to analog and digital full-scale, semi-full-scale and computer modeling of automatic control systems.




Laboratory of electronic devices (auditorium 519 of the radio campus)

The laboratory provides practical classes and laboratory work in disciplines related to the study of the physical foundations and principles of operation of analog, discrete and combined elements, devices and systems. Laboratory work is performed using the frontal method, ten universal stands are used in the educational process.



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