Graduate competencies | ХАІ
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Graduate competencies

Integral competence:

Ability to solve complex specialized problems and practical problems characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions in the field of management, in particular the aerospace industry in Ukraine (aviation, astronautics, mechanical engineering, information technology), as well as in related fields or in the learning process application of theories and methods of social and behavioral sciences.

General competencies (GC):

GC1 Ability to exercise their rights and responsibilities as a member of society, to realize the values of civil (democratic) society and the need for its sustainable development, the rule of law, human and civil rights and freedoms in Ukraine.

GC2 Ability to preserve and multiply moral, cultural, scientific values and increase the achievements of society based on understanding the history and patterns of development of the subject area, its place in the general system of knowledge about nature and society and in the development of society, techniques and technologies. activities for active recreation and a healthy lifestyle.

GC3 Ability to abstract thinking, analysis, synthesis.

GC4 Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations

GC5 Knowledge and reason subject area and understanding of professional activity.

GC6 Ability to communicate in the state language both orally and in writing.

GC7 Ability to communicate in a foreign language.

GC8 Skills in the use of information and communication technologies.

GC9 Ability to learn and master modern knowledge.

GC10 Ability to conduct research at the appropriate level.

GC11 Ability to adapt and act in a new situation.

GC12 Ability to generate new ideas (creativity).

GC13 Appreciation and respect for diversity and multiculturalism.

GC14 Ability to work in an international context.

GC15 Ability to act on the basis of ethical considerations (motives).

Professional competencies (SC):

SC1 Ability to identify and describe the characteristics of the organization.

SC2 Ability to analyze the results of the organization, to compare them with the factors of external and internal environment.

SC3 Ability to determine the prospects for the development of the organization.

SC4 Ability to identify functional areas of the organization and the relationships between them.

SC5 Ability to manage the organization and its departments through the implementation of management functions,

SC6 The ability to act socially responsibly and consciously.

SC7Ability to choose and use modern management tools.

SC8 Ability to plan the activities of the organization and manage time.

SC9Ability to work in a team and establish interpersonal interaction in solving professional problems.

SC10 Ability to evaluate the work performed, ensure their quality and motivate the staff of the organization.

SC11 Ability to create and organize effective communications in the management process.

SC12 Ability to analyze and structure the problems of the organization, to form sound decisions.

SC13 Understand the principles and norms of law and use them in professional activities.

SC14 Understand the principles of psychology and use them in professional activities.

SC15 Ability to form and demonstrate leadership qualities and behavioral skills.

SC16 Ability to maintain a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team, to establish effective interaction in the team, to create favorable conditions for training and self-development of enterprise personnel.

SC17 Ability to make non-standard decisions and think creatively and willingness to take responsibility and show leadership qualities;

SC18 Ability to continuous and relevant learning, self-development and self-design of the future, the ability to apply knowledge in practice;

SC19 Ability to organize and conduct business meetings and negotiations with partners and other economic entities, to maintain business contacts using modern technical means, means of communication and information technology;

SC20 Ability to understand the economic basis of the organization, to determine the needs and directions of rational use of resources of the organization.

SC21 Ability to apply the tools of investment, innovation and logistics management in conditions of uncertainty

SC22 Ability to substantiate management decisions and exercise effective control over their implementation

SC23 Ability to formalize the processes of enterprise management and their automation with the help of modern specialized software products.

SC24Ability to develop and manage projects with a guarantee of the quality of work performed;

SC25 Ability to organizational and simulation modeling of economic processes based on a systems approach using specialized information technologies.

SC26 Ability to assess and forecast the development of foreign economic activity of the enterprise

SC27 Ability to ensure timely and effective implementation of production organization tasks, including in the aerospace industry in Ukraine.

SC28 Ability to manage the work of industrial enterprises, take responsibility for their decisions within professional competence