Program learning outcomes (LO) | ХАІ
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Program learning outcomes (LO)

LO1 - To know their rights and responsibilities as a member of society, to realize the values of civil society, the rule of law, human and civil rights and freedoms in Ukraine.

LO2 - Preserve moral, cultural, scientific values and increase the achievements of society, use different types and forms of physical activity to lead a healthy lifestyle.

LO3 - Demonstrate knowledge of theories, methods and functions of management, modern concepts of leadership.

LO4 - Demonstrate skills to identify problems and justify management decisions.

LO5 - Describe the content of the functional areas of the organization.

LO6 - Identify skills of search, collection and analysis of information, calculation of indicators to justify management decisions.

LO7 - Demonstrate organizational design skills.

LO8- Apply management methods to ensure the effectiveness of the organization.

LO9 - Demonstrate skills of interaction, leadership, teamwork.

LO10- Have the skills to justify effective tools to motivate the organization's staff.

LO11 - Demonstrate skills of situation analysis and communication in various areas of the organization.

LO12 - Assess the legal, social and economic consequences of the organization

LO13 - Communicate orally and in writing in state and foreign languages.

LO14 - Identify the causes of stress, adapt yourself and team members to a stressful situation, find ways to neutralize it.

LO15 - Demonstrate the ability to act socially responsibly and socially consciously on the basis of ethical considerations (motives), respect for diversity and interculturalism.

LO16 - Demonstrate skills of independent work, flexible thinking, openness to new knowledge, be critical and self-critical.

LO17 - Perform research individually and / or in a group under the guidance of a leader.

LO18 - Apply project justification and project management skills.

LO19 - Practice the use of modern information and communication technologies in enterprise management

LO20 - Apply a logistical approach to managing the resources of organizations and increase their competitiveness

LO21 -Demonstrate skills in compiling planning and reporting documentation to ensure the management of the enterprise

LO22- Ability to develop tactical and operational plans for current activities, business plan projects; substantiate investment projects and programs of strategic development of an industrial enterprise;

LO23- Be able to ensure the process of conducting and concluding foreign trade agreements, using software and information and communication technologies

LO24- Have the methods of substantiation of management decisions based on complex economic and financial calculations in the context of ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise in a changing business environment

LO25 - Demonstrate knowledge of the specifics of management in the aerospace industry

LO26 - Effectively use the tools and technologies of modern administrative management in the management of operational processes in the divisions of the industrial enterprise, to form and improve the management system of the enterprise