Resource support for the implementation of program | ХАІ
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HomeEducationEducational programs and componentsManagementResource support for the implementation of program

Resource support for the implementation of program


Scientific and pedagogical workers with scientific degrees and / or academic titles, as well as highly qualified specialists are involved in the implementation of the program.

In order to improve the professional level, all scientific and pedagogical workers undergo internships once every five years, including foreign.

Meets the personnel requirements for ensuring the implementation of educational activities in the field of higher education in accordance with current legislation of Ukraine (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On approval of licensing conditions for educational activities of educational institutions" of December 30, 2015 № 1187).

Material and technical support:

Training is carried out in training laboratories, computer classes of the pulse case.

Lecture, equipped with projectors and PCs: 313ik, 502ik, 504 ik;

Computer classes: 501ik, 509ik, 511ik,

Meets the material and technical requirements to ensure the implementation of educational activities in the field of higher education in accordance with current legislation of Ukraine (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On approval of licensing conditions for educational activities of educational institutions" of December 30, 2015 № 1187)

Information and teaching / learning materials:

Information and educational and methodical software:

- official website of the university: http: //

- wireless access points to the Internet;

- unlimited access to the Internet;

- scientific library and reading rooms;

- Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 is a server operating system.

- Microsoft Windows 7 Professional is the operating system of the university network client computers.

- Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Enterprise is an e-mail server.

- Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - database management system.

- Microsoft Windows 8.1 Professional is the operating system of the university network client computers.

The use of virtual learning environment of the National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute" licensed software and author's developments of scientific and pedagogical staff, for example:

- Program "Business Automation Software (BAS) »

- 1C: Enterprise Program

Meets informational and educational requirements for ensuring the implementation of educational activities in the field of higher education in accordance with current legislation of Ukraine (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On approval of licensing conditions for educational activities of educational institutions" of December 30, 2015 № 1187)