Department of law: achievements and development prospects | ХАІ
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HomeEducationEducational programs and componentsLawDepartment of law: achievements and development prospects

Department of law: achievements and development prospects

Інформація про кафедру права  Науковий гурток Науковий журнал "Пропілеї права та безпеки"

Стратегія розвитку кафедри права Наукові здобутки кафедри права Юридична клініка

Антинаркотичне бюро

The main task of the department is to form in students the ability to give a proper assessment of complex phenomena and processes of state and legal reality from a balanced, scientific standpoint, to reveal their essence, to understand their social purpose, place and role in the political and legal systems of society, to fruitfully contribute to the resolution of various problems of state and legal construction, formation of professional legal culture among students, oriented to universal ideals and values; development of legal thinking; forming a lawyer with a bachelor's degree, developing a sense of innovative character, high professional skills and acquiring the skills necessary for the application of specialized measures in further practical activities. The specificity of training specialists in the field of law makes it possible to train highly qualified personnel who have in-depth knowledge, primarily in the fields of aviation, cosmonautics, mechanical engineering, and information technologies.

The main areas of activity of the law department are educational and methodological, research, educational and career guidance work, as well as the development of international relations.

The sphere of scientific interests of the department's employees covers the study of various legal problems of state building and the development of local self-government at the modern stage of the development of a legal state, in which a person, his life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security are constitutionally defined as the highest social value. Problems of adapting the legislation of Ukraine to the legislation of developed European countries and the European Union are also scientifically developed; research in the field of forming a strategy for the development of criminological activities of forensic institutions of Ukraine and interpretation of the methods of its implementation; legal provision of people's power; settlement of labor relations; ways to optimize criminal legislation and judicial proceedings; legal regulation of business activities, etc.

The teaching staff of the department actively monitors the current events of the political and legal life of the state, region and city, conducts thorough scientific research, acts as an organizer of their approval in the form of scientific and practical conferences of various levels, competitions of scientific papers, prepares reviews and feedback, provides expert evaluations regarding the development of both modern jurisprudence as a whole and its individual aspects.

The educational process at the department is provided by a team of highly qualified teachers, most of whom have scientific degrees and scientific titles (2 doctors of legal sciences, 8 candidates of legal sciences, associate professors and senior researchers). Practitioners (lawyers, prosecutors, arbitration managers, mediators, practicing lawyers, specialists in the field of public service and political technologies, etc.) are involved in the educational process. Teachers constantly undergo internships in domestic and foreign legal educational centers. Improve their professional skills at seminars, conferences, round tables and trainings.

The department is headed by Doctor of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor Hanna Spitsyna.

The "Legal Clinic" operates on the basis of the department. The purpose of the creation of the Legal Clinic is to train highly qualified specialists with a higher education degree "bachelor" and educational qualification "bachelor of law", whose competences meet the modern requirements of employers and the perspective of work on the labor market, who are able to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of professional legal activity or in the process training that involves the application of certain legal theories and methods of legal activity and is characterized by the complexity and uncertainty of conditions. One of the effective ways to develop the skills necessary for further employment with a normative base, the ability to apply the legislation of Ukraine in real cases, to communicate with people who need legal assistance, is the participation of students in the work of the Legal Clinic.

Scientific circles on civil and economic law are active at the department, classes are functioning: "Court Hall", "Criminal Class", "Student Self-Development Center", educational and methodical laboratory and much more.

Students take an active part in scientific conferences, Olympiads, trainings on topical issues of jurisprudence, winning prizes in All-Ukrainian competitions of scientific and creative works.

The Department of Law continues to develop the best traditions in the teaching methodology of theoretical and applied aspects of legal activity, clearly adhering to the modern educational requirements facing the higher school. The main attention of the department's employees is focused on ensuring the educational process at a high professional level. Classes are held in the form of lectures, practices, consultation seminars with the participation of the teacher and independent work of students with constant counseling, methodical and organizational support in remote mode (the educational process is conducted using modern technologies using Zoom, Google Meet, etc. platforms). forums, participation in remote workshops, writing creative works such as essays or digests.

Every year, from the first year, students undergo educational and industrial practice at enterprises, institutions, organizations of all forms of ownership, putting into practice the knowledge acquired in the classrooms.