Student Association "Anti-Narcotics Bureau" | ХАІ
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HomeEducationLawStudent Association "Anti-Narcotics Bureau"

Student Association "Anti-Narcotics Bureau"
of the Law Department of the Faculty of Humanities and Law

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The Student Association "Anti-Narcotics Bureau" is a volunteer activity of students of the department.

The main goal of volunteering at the department is to promote the ideas of voluntary work for the benefit of society, to promote a healthy lifestyle by one's own example, to involve students in solving socially significant problems of combating drug addiction among youth and adolescents.

Tasks of volunteering at the department:

- education in students of an active civic position, formation of leadership and moral and ethical qualities, a sense of patriotism;

- involvement of students in projects related to the provision of social support to youth and teenagers, especially in matters of combating drug addiction;

- popularization of a healthy lifestyle by one's own example;

- supporting students' initiatives, obtaining the necessary experience and skills to implement their own ideas and projects.

The initiators of the volunteer movement of the Humanities and Law Faculty are the employees of the Law Department.

In its activities, the student-volunteer association is governed by the provisions of the laws of Ukraine, by-laws, and the Statute of the National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", Regulations on the volunteer activity of the student association "Anti-Narcotics Bureau" of the Law Department of the Humanities and Legal Faculty of the National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute".

The content of volunteer activities is determined by a social order, an initiative of students to solve significant problems of countering drug addiction among youth and teenagers.

The main areas of volunteer activity are:

- development and implementation of projects, programs, promotions, etc., designed to actualize the priority areas of volunteer activity, in particular, in relation to solving socially significant problems of combating drug addiction among youth and adolescents;

- creation of a system of interaction of participants of the volunteer movement with structures, organizations, associations engaged in volunteer and social activities in the city, region, region, state and international structures;

- development and implementation of specific measures aimed at the implementation of individual programs;

- interaction with state bodies and public youth associations and organizations interested in volunteering;

- summarizing the results of the work performed for a certain period of time, as well as sharing the work experience of individual volunteer participants of the volunteer movement;

- informing a wide range of interested persons through mass media and social networks about the purpose and tasks of one's work, specific results of volunteering.

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