Characteristics of the educational and professional program | ХАІ
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HomeEducationEducational programs and componentsRocket-Space EngineeringCharacteristics of the educational and professional program

Characteristics of the educational and professional program

Description of the subject area: 

Objects of study: phenomena and problems associated with the stages of creation of rocket-space engineering structures, including those made of composite materials.

Learning objective: acquiring competencies sufficient to solve specialised and practical problems related to the development and manufacture of rocket-space engineering structures, including those using composite materials

Theoretical content of the subject area: concepts and principles of physical processes, mechanics of deformed solids, technical mechanics, hydraulics, aero- and gas dynamics, thermal physics and electrical engineering

Methods, techniques and technologies: analytical, numerical and experimental methods of researching the problems of the subject area, including integrated computer technologies, methods and technologies related to the stages of development and manufacture of rocket-space engineering structures

Instruments and equipment: laboratory equipment with measuring instruments, in particular hydraulic stands, wind tunnels, equipment for studying the properties of materials, stress-strain state of structures; training laboratories for studying the structures of rocket-space engineering, equipment used for the manufacture, assembly and testing of structures of rocket-space engineering, including from composite materials; computers with information and specialized software, in particular computer calculation systems, geometric modelling, finite element analysis, integrated design and manufacture of rocket-space engineering structures

Orientation of the educational and professional program:

 The bachelor's educational and professional is intended for students who want to become specialists in the design and manufacture of rocket-space engineering structures.

Main focus of the educational and professional program (specialization):

The educational and professional programme establishes the qualification requirements for the social and production activities of graduates of a higher education institution in the specialty 134 «Aerospace Engineering» of the educational degree «Bachelor» and state requirements for the properties and qualities of a person who has received a certain educational level of the appropriate professional direction according to the educational and professional programme «Rocket-Space Engineering».

Features of educational and professional program: 

The educational programme is aimed at studying the choice of general accounting, rocket-space engineering layout, calculations of composite materials and structures based on them, creation of technological processes for the manufacture of rocket-space engineering structures, including those made of composite materials, development of structural solutions for rocket-space engineering structures, including those made of composite materials, using information and additive technologies.

The internship is conducted at enterprises that manufacture rocket-space engineering structures, including those made of composite materials.

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