Program learning outcomes | ХАІ
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Program learning outcomes (PLO)

PO1. Freely communicate orally and in writing in state and foreign languages on professional issues.

PO2. Understand the environmentally hazardous and harmful factors of professional activity and adjust its content to prevent negative environmental impact.

PO3. To master the means of modern information and communication technologies to the extent sufficient for study and professional activity.

PO4. Explain their decisions and the basis for their adoption to specialists and non- specialists in a clear and unambiguous form.

PO5. Possess the skills of independent learning and autonomous work to improve professional skills and solve problems in a new or unfamiliar environment.

PO6. To formulate reasonable assessments of the actions of state bodies and other political institutions from the standpoint of universal and democratic values, the priority of human and civil rights and freedoms.

PO7. Possess the logic and methodology of scientific knowledge based on an understanding of the current state and methodology of the subject area.

PO8. Comply with the requirements of industry regulations on the procedures for designing, manufacturing, testing and (or) certification of rocket-space engineering elements and objects at all stages of their life cycle.

PO9. Explain the influence of design parameters of rocket-space engineering elements on its flight characteristics. Understand the methods of ensuring the stability and controllability of rocket-space engineering.

PO10. Have the skills to determine loads on structural elements of rocket-space engineering at all stages of its life cycle.

PO11. Understand the principles of fluid and gas mechanics, in particular, hydraulics, aerodynamics (gas dynamics).

PO12. Describe the structure of metals and non-metals and know how to modify their properties. Designate optimal materials for rocket-space engineering elements and systems, taking into account their structure, physical, mechanical, chemical and operational properties, as well as economic factors.

PO13. Understand the features of work processes in hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical and electronic systems used in rocket-space engineering.

PO14. Describe experimental methods for studying structural, physical, mechanical and technological properties of materials and structures.

PO15. Apply in professional activities modern methods of design, construction and manufacture of elements and systems of rocket-space engineering.

PO16. Calculate the stress-strain state, determine the bearing capacity of structural elements and the reliability of rocket-space engineering systems.

PO17. Understand and justify the sequence of design, manufacture, testing and (or) certification of rocket-space engineering elements and systems.

PO18. Understand the structure and principles of operation of onboard equipment of rocket-space engineering.

PO19. Understand and justify design features and main aspects of working processes in systems and elements of rocket-space engineering.

PO20. Understand the theoretical principles and practical methods of instrumental support for the interchangeability of rocket-space engineering parts.

PO21. Have skills in developing technological processes, including the use of computer-aided design for the production of structural elements and systems of rocket-space engineering.

PO22. Assess the economic efficiency of the manufacture of rocket-space engineering elements and systems.

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