Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems | ХАІ
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HomeEducationEducational programs and componentsArtificial Intelligence and Information Systems

Profile of the educational and professional program
"Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems"

General information about the educational program

Full name of the higher educational institution and structural subdivision: National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", Department of Information and Communication Technologies named after O.O. Zelensky

Degree of higher education: Bachelor

Qualification in the diploma: Bachelor in information systems and technologies

The official name of the educational and scientific program: Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems

Type of diploma and scope of the educational-scientific program: Bachelor's degree, single, term of study 3 years 10 months: 

- on the basis of complete general secondary education - 240 ECTS credits.

- on the basis of the degree of junior bachelor (educational qualification level "Junior Specialist") - 240 ECTS credits. KHAI recognizes and recalculates no more than 120 ECTS credits received within the previous educational program of junior bachelor (junior specialist) in specialties within the industry, and no more than 60 ECTS credits received within the previous educational program of junior bachelor (junior specialist) for other specialties.

Availability of accreditation: Entered into force in 2020

Cycle / level: First (bachelor's) NQF of Ukraine - level 6,  FQ-EHEA - the first cycle,  EQF-LLL - level 6.

Prerequisites: A person has the right to obtain a bachelor's degree if he/she has completed general secondary education and/or primary level (short cycle) of higher education (junior bachelor, professional junior bachelor, educational qualification level "Junior Specialist").

Language (s) of instruction: The language of instruction is English

Validity of the educational and professional program: Before the introduction of a new educational and professional program. The educational program is reviewed at least once every 5 years or at the request of stakeholders. In order to improve or modernize, the guarantor of the educational program may make the necessary changes or additions during this period, taking into account the proposals of different groups of stakeholders

The purpose of the educational and professional program:

1. To provide theoretical knowledge and practical skills sufficient to solve specialized problems in the field of information systems and technologies with the involvement of elements of artificial intelligence; to provide the ability to solve practical problems in professional activities aimed at creating intelligent information systems and services.

2. To train highly qualified specialists (bachelors) in the field of information systems and technologies, whose competencies meet the modern requirements of employers and the prospects of the labor market in the fields of aviation, aerospace, mechanical engineering, information technology and related fields.

3. To form the personality of a specialist who is able to use professional knowledge and practical skills to solve innovative problems in the field of electronics and telecommunications, to adapt to changing requirements of the labor market and technology

Suitability of graduates for employment

Suitability for employment: The specialist is able to perform professional work according to the codes of DK 003: 2010:

31 - Technical specialists in the field of applied sciences and technology.

312 - Computer technicians.

3121 - Software Technician, Information Technology Specialist, Computer Software Development Specialist, Software Development and Testing Specialist, System Administration Technician.

Academic and professional rights of graduates: Continuation of education at the second (master's) level of higher education. Acquisition of additional qualifications in the system of postgraduate education

Teaching and evaluation

Teaching and learning: Student-centered learning, self-study, problem-oriented learning aimed at the development of critical and creative thinking, learning through laboratory practice, distance education and more. Lectures, multimedia lectures, laboratory work, seminars, practical classes in small groups, independent work based on textbooks and abstracts, consultations with teachers, preparation of qualifying work

Evaluation: Written exams, practice reports, essays, presentations, current (modular) control, bachelor's thesis and its defense

Characteristics of the educational program  Graduate competencies Program learning outcomes

Resource support for the implementation of program Academic mobility List of components

Educational and professional programs Summary, structure and components