Resource support for the implementation of program | ХАІ
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Resource support for the implementation of program


Staffing is formed mainly at the expense of scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Information and Communication Technologies named after O.O. Zelensky, whose teaching staff consists of a sufficient number of doctors of technical sciences, professors, candidates of technical sciences and associate professors. Other departments of the National Aerospace University are also involved in teaching disciplines.

Research and teaching staff involved in the implementation of the educational program meet the requirements for educational activities in higher education in accordance with current legislation of Ukraine (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On approval of licensing conditions for educational activities of educational institutions" from 30.12.2015 № 1187).

Material and technical support:

Logistics meets the requirements of the Licensing Conditions for educational activities in the field of higher education in accordance with current legislation of Ukraine (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On approval of licensing conditions for educational activities of educational institutions" from 30.12.2015 № 1187 as amended) and provides all types of training sessions and practices provided for in the curriculum.

The total area where the premises of the Department of Information and Communication Technologies named after O.O. Zelensky is 838.9 m2. Training is carried out in training laboratories, computer classes: 302, 311, 312, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 512 auditorium of the radio building. The educational area where the educational process takes place is 572.9 m2. Territorially, the premises of the department are located in one educational building. All premises provide comfortable conditions for the training of applicants and the work of teachers.

Department of Information and Communication Technologies named after O.O. Ze­flax­It has its own computer laboratories with an area of 191.8 m2, equipped with 32 computers (connected to the Internet), 4 multimedia projectors for higher education. Training facilities for hardware laboratory work are also located in specialized laboratories

Information and teaching / learning materials:

In accordance with the requirements of the Licensing Conditions for Educational Activities in Higher Education in accordance with current legislation of Ukraine (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On approval of licensing conditions for educational activities of educational institutions" of December 30, 2015 № 1187 as amended) the support includes library resources, electronic educational resources, the site of the National Aerospace University named after M.E.Jukovsky "Kharkiv Aviation Institute" and the site of the Department of Information and Communication Technologies named after O.O. Zelensky, which contains basic information on educational activities.


- virtual learning environment of the National Aerospace University named after M.E.Jukovsky "Kharkiv Aviation Institute";

- author's developments of scientific and pedagogical staff of the department of information and communication technologies named after O.O. Zelensky;

- CISCO training materials and technologies for face-to-face and distance learning.