Characteristics of the educational and scientific program | ХАІ
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HomeEducationSystems of Autonomous Navigation and Adaptive Control of AircraftCharacteristics of the educational and scientific program

Characteristics of the educational and professional program

Description of the subject area: 

Object of activity: automated and automatic control systems for aviation and rocket and space objects and systems, their information support

Objectives of study: training of specialists who are able to solve complex specialized problems and practical problems of use and implementation of avionics systems and devices, characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions

Theoretical content of the subject area:concepts, concepts, principles in the field of flight dynamics, aircraft control systems, electronic and microprocessor technology of avionics and navigation systems

Methods, techniques and technologies: methods, techniques, technologies of design, research and testing of avionics systems

Tools and equipment:stands and simulation software for modeling avionics systems; devices and automatic control systems, computers, microprocessor control systems for onboard and ground equipment

Orientation of the educational and professional program:

Educational and professional

Main focus of the educational and professional program (specialization):

The educational-professional program establishes qualification requirements for social and production activities of graduates of higher education institutions in the specialty 173 "Avionics" with a bachelor's degree and state requirements for the properties and qualities of a person who has acquired a certain level of education in the educational-professional program "Systems of Autonomous Navigation and Adaptive Control of Aircraft».

Features of educational and professional program:

The program provides the acquisition of relevant knowledge and competencies in the field of avionics, taking into account the latest advances in technical sciences, in-depth knowledge of modern models, methods and algorithms, as well as technologies for managing aircraft. The exclusivity of the program is associated with the creation of autonomous navigation systems and adaptive control of aircraft. These facilities are critical facilities that have a dual purpose and have high quality requirements.

The educational process is based on the widespread use of laboratory stands, which implement the operation of basic navigation and aerobatics subsystems of aircraft. Applicants receive skills in research and development and research under the guidance of leading teachers of avionics. Familiarization and production practices are conducted at enterprises of various industries.